This life? Is valuable.

Yet the fear in the world, is palpable.

How far will they go? In this game of mind control…

I wish we could all see, the utter delusion and hypocrisy.

Many are waking up,

while many more stay sleep.

Can’t you see that you’re a puppet…

Hanging by a string?

A sovereign being, held captive by control,

when will you wake up??

Say enough is enough,

it’s time to regain my soul.

My heart hurts for humanity,

and my soul longs for peace,

but this is the reality,

the reality that we face.

We must stand apart,

we must open our minds,

only then can we embrace that we’re one of a kind.

Please look beyond the veil,

dig deep for the truth,

because otherwise,

you have your freedom and life to loose.

❤️ Tasha-Marie

Just a poem to try and express what I’m feeling today…

I stay in my heart, I stand in my truth… I do my best to shield from things that do not deserve my attention or energy.

But some times what’s happening in this world really hurts. My heart hurts, my soul is crying for the whole of humanity. I know my soul is here to help change the world, but holy smokes. The amount of corruption and the shear volume of delusion is hard to handle.

Who knows what’s next for humanity, but I pray we WAKE UP and take a stand. We must see beyond what they tell us and what they show us. Why do we allow them to treat us like slaves? If this past year hasn’t changed your mind, nothing will. I’m living the life of my dreams because I’ve chosen that, even doing these hard times. I want to radiate that energy out, but anywhere I go the vibe is so low I can barely stand it. No wonder I’ve spent 90% of my time alone, in my RV, in the wilderness, away from everyone and everything.

I pray for everyone. I pray that we transcend this chaos… I wish I could snap my fingers and show everyone the truth of their divinity… The truth of their power and freedom. Unfortunately, we must all do that for ourselves.

From my heart to yours, stand strong. Don’t be a puppet, become a master. We need more masters in this world right now 💕

Tasha-Marie Hannah

Tasha-Marie Hannah
Author: Tasha-Marie Hannah

Would you like to live to the rhythm of your own beat? If so, contact me for a FREE Human Design reading today. What do you have to loose? ❤️

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