“Everything she does is art. Every single plant, animal, insect, bird, fish – anything living – is her art.” (Riddle 2015) This is the philosophy that has allowed nature to flourish for eons; it’s what has kept our planet alive. Nature is an amazing embodiment of things that are alive. It’s something that eludes humans but they need to understand, appreciate and try to protect it at all costs because it’s what makes us human.

Nature is responsible for our very existence; without nature, we wouldn’t be here in this present form. We are the result of millions of years of evolution and life on earth has changed drastically over time with the help of Mother Nature – not just by natural forces but also by our own doing. There would be no humanity without Earth or its resources so humans must learn how to properly coexist with the planet if they want to ensure their own survival. Fortunately, there is still some time left before absolute destruction occurs so there is no reason for panic… yet (as long as we don’t destroy ourselves before).

The earth has survived hundreds of thousands of years even though it’s constantly trying to kill us. Imagine how long it could survive if we try our best not to ruin nature? I think the answer is clear, at least for me… but maybe not for you which allows me to transition into my thesis statement: Nature is an art that has never failed to impress people (and will never stop doing so) and humans must learn how to appreciate it in order to ensure their own survival.

I believe this because everything on Earth – whether alive or not – provides either food, shelter, energy, or all three when properly utilized. It’s like having an infinite supply at’s disposal (it may seem like we’ve used up all of Earth’s natural resources but it’s not true, and one-day people will see and understand how foolish they were); unfortunately, humans often destroy the very things that keep them alive. This must stop because if we go on like this then everything is going to be ruined.

I assume that by now you’re wondering why I’m taking such a strong stance for nature so allow me to explain: For many years, humans have been ruining their environment and degrading the natural world around us. We’ve become so obsessed with our own needs and wants that we seem to have forgotten about other species; we don’t consider whether or not what we do affects them at all, which is bad enough… but sometimes we forget about human beings too.

The biggest threat to humanity is climate change and it’s caused by the very things that we need to survive: energy (coal, oil, gas), transportation (cars, ships, planes), and building materials (concrete, steel). Without these, we would be dead in a matter of days but without nature, we’d still die; this is because every single one of these resources comes from nature and like I said before: Everything she does is art. I could go on and on with examples because there are so many but you already get my point. Nature isn’t something that can just be fixed or fixed quickly – it takes time and effort plus compassion for animals and people.

People often think that they have to change their entire lifestyle in order to help nature but this is simply not true. Every single thing counts because if everyone does something then it adds up quickly. This, unfortunately, requires money so most people aren’t willing to sacrifice any of the little luxuries that they have or even give up some of the comforts that they love most. They feel like they would lose everything if they stopped running water for a few days or didn’t use their car anymore; plus, most don’t realize how much nature has already suffered and is still suffering at our hands.

If humans want nature to keep existing then we must understand that all plants and animals play an important role on Earth.

Ahamd Raza
Author: Ahamd Raza

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