Question: How does nutrition benefit and how does lack of nutrition harm the body?

Answer: The growth, development, maintenance, and reproduction of all living things is affected by what nurtures it. This concept is known as nutrition. Each living thing has different nutritional needs. For example, a bacteriologist would select a blood agar petri dish to grow the healthiest strains of Staph. Aureus. The blood agar contains all the food nutrients needed to grow the germ. If he then “tweaked” the formula by subtracting a certain ingredient, we call a nutrient, from the petri dish, then added some stressors such as U-V light, or chemicals, he might see changes. The first change he would see would probably be colony growth quickly would decelerate in the Petri dish. Later, he may see slowly emerging colony strains of mutant Staph A. By selection these new mutant strains would be able to produce from their different mutated DNA, via their new “central dogma” genetics, the very nutrient that the bacteriologist subtracted from the original blood agar. The evolved strain no longer needs that subtracted nutrient. It can make that nutrient from the remaining ingredients in the Petri dish. Probably a newly manufactured protein enzyme resultant from the mutation makes it. A good bacteriologist knows what nutrients a specific bacterial strain requires. That cognizance is in his fund of knowledge that his science has accumulated.

Different strains of the same species of bacteria are comparable to individual humans. Each individual homo-sapiens represents a different individual strain of our species. There maybe one hundred or more different strains of each species of bacteria, but there are five billion plus different strains of humans. Most of us have species similar nutritional needs, but we all have strain-specific individual nutritional needs. We are all different. There is not one carbon copy among us. Individual bacteria from the same colony, on the other hand, are identical.

As good human nutritionists, we must understand our species’ nutritional requirements and also be aware of the polymorphism of our charge. We are all orthomolecular different and our individual needs vary. We need to understand and be able to communicate how human species-specific nutrients are best obtained from our environment, stored, prepared, and consumed.

Examples of how species-specific deficiencies of food nutrients harm the body are:

1. Inadequate protein will cause Kwashiorkor disease

2. Inadequate B-12 will cause pernicious anemia.

3. Inadequate B-1 will cause beriberi disease.

For each of the remaining twenty plus vital human food nutrient deficiencies, there is a corresponding, predictable, manifestation of illness.

As a compassionate and good human nutritionist, we need to know everybody requires more than just food nutrients to obtain optimal wellness. This “MAN CANNOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE concept forms the basis of Bliss Planet. The human petri dish of optimal nutrition must include physical motion; spiritual, emotional, and waveform energy; rest; rhythm; safe function; interpersonal contact; sensory stimulation; and others.*

Examples of how the lack of these “other vital” nutrients harm the body are:

1. Deny the body motion against gravity, despite adequate calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D and it will develop osteoporosis.

2. Deny it rest and feed it every food nutrient in a perfectly tailored formula and see how poorly the brain will function on an IQ test.

3. Deny it sunlight and watch it get SAD (seasonal affective disorder)

4. Disrupt its rhythm about the earth’s rhythm by an intercontinental flight and watch it flounder with jet lag.

5. Deny it love and bonding and overcrowd our prisons with sociopaths.

6. Deny it’s anabolic enzymes the vital and delicate physical milieu for recycle of all our bodies parts, and see it’s catabolic enzymes turn us back into our dusty origins.

There are many other examples.*

However, give it spiritual energy and purpose and watch it beam that energy to others in a healthier, longer, more productive life. Studies show that people who attend church regularly live years longer than those who don’t. Regular prayer, meditation, self-hypnosis, biofeedback, yoga, all have qualitatively similar benefits. Take advantage!

Bliss Planet attempts to interactively offer information on all possible preventative interventions to help meet the challenges of our changing world.

In 2050 there will be ten billion individuals of our species alive. The size of our world Petri dish will be the same. How will we survive and prosper in the depleted, polluted, agar of our ATLAS DRUGGED?

James A. Ferrel MD, CNC

James A. Ferrel MD, CNC
Author: James A. Ferrel MD, CNC

Dr. James A. Ferrel MD, CNC is a retired physician who specialized in environmental medicine. He is the author of Neogenesis - Reconstructing the Self.

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