The Power of Money

Many people would agree that these days, money makes the world go round. Well in a sense, people live for money. People work for money. Some would say that people would do anything for money. In fact, money can buy many things in this world including superficial love....
Cultivating Love: How To Create A More Peaceful World

Cultivating Love: How To Create A More Peaceful World

Introduction Living in a world of endless conflict and suffering can be disheartening. Yet, it doesn’t have to be this way. We have the power to create a more peaceful world by cultivating LOVE through empathy, kindness, and understanding. When we practice these...

Powerful Keys To Healing Yourself

Keywords: health, healing, motivational, inspirational, holistic, alternative therapy, complementary medicine, illness 1. Be Present Live in the now. The past is gone. You can never go back and make it right. You can never re-live a life that was yesterday. Live...
The Pursuit of Love, Connection and Happiness – Imperfections are Part of the Magic!

The Pursuit of Love, Connection and Happiness – Imperfections are Part of the Magic!

The pursuit of love, connection and happiness is something that has been a dream of many since the dawn of time. We are all searching for those moments in life when we feel loved, connected, and content. But sometimes we forget to embrace the imperfections of this...

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