Veganism is a lifestyle choice that has the power to create a more compassionate and healthy world. It is based on the idea of living without animal products, either for health, environmental or ethical reasons. Going vegan means abstaining from all animal-derived foods such as meat, eggs and dairy products, as well as refraining from other forms of exploitation of animals such as fur, leather and animal testing. Veganism is not just about what we put on our plates; it’s about caring for the wellbeing of all creatures that share this planet with us.

Making the decision to go VEGAN will have many positive implications for both individual health and global wellness. Studies show that those who follow a vegan diet are less likely to suffer from diseases caused by an unhealthy lifestyle such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Health happiness

Vegan Questions – Most Popular Questions regarding the Popular Plant Based Lifestyle

Embracing a Plant-Based Lifestyle – Profound Positive Impact on Our World

Get ready to embark on an enlightening journey of understanding how the plant-based lifestyle is revolutionizing our planet! 🌎 Yes, you heard it right: choosing veggies over meats is a simple dietary switch and a powerful movement with substantial impacts on our...

Vegan and Vegetarian

Eating Green: Your Favorite Vegan & Vegetarian Recipes! Hello, plant-based food lovers! 🌱🥗 I’m always on the hunt for new vegan or vegetarian recipes that are both delicious and healthy. What’s your go-to meal or snack when you need something quick and satisfying?...

Wellness Magazine Edition 24

The latest edition of Bliss Planet wellness magazine features the following articles and sections: CoExist, Sedona, Force for Good - Carissa Kranz, Animal Welfare, How To Make a Difference, Eco Tips, Sedona Exploration, Drum Circle Play, Health, Healthy Habits to Help...

The Ultimate Guide To New Year Resolutions For A Healthier Mind And Body

Awaken Your New Year Spirit "Every moment is a fresh beginning." These words by T.S. Eliot remind us of the infinite opportunities that lie before us, especially as we stand on the brink of a new year. Setting resolutions for mental and physical wellness is not just a...

Digital Magazine – 23rd Edition

Messages of goodness, wellness articles, plant based lifestyle, eco-friendly news and much more.

health magazine

Latest Vegan 


Embracing a Plant-Based Lifestyle – Profound Positive Impact on Our World

Get ready to embark on an enlightening journey of understanding how the plant-based lifestyle is revolutionizing our planet! 🌎 Yes, you heard it right: choosing veggies over meats is a simple dietary switch and a powerful movement with substantial impacts on our...

Vegan and Vegetarian

Eating Green: Your Favorite Vegan & Vegetarian Recipes! Hello, plant-based food lovers! 🌱🥗 I’m always on the hunt for new vegan or vegetarian recipes that are both delicious and healthy. What’s your go-to meal or snack when you need something quick and satisfying?...

Wellness Magazine Edition 24

The latest edition of Bliss Planet wellness magazine features the following articles and sections: CoExist, Sedona, Force for Good - Carissa Kranz, Animal Welfare, How To Make a Difference, Eco Tips, Sedona Exploration, Drum Circle Play, Health, Healthy Habits to Help...

The Ultimate Guide To New Year Resolutions For A Healthier Mind And Body

Awaken Your New Year Spirit "Every moment is a fresh beginning." These words by T.S. Eliot remind us of the infinite opportunities that lie before us, especially as we stand on the brink of a new year. Setting resolutions for mental and physical wellness is not just a...

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Everything is Free on Bliss Planet thanks to our public charity status and the support of our generous sponsors.❤️

Get your online Wellness Specialist Certification Course and the latest digital editions of Bliss Planet. 

Vegan Trending 


Going Vegan? What You Need To Know

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The Vegan Lifestyle Is Gaining Popularity

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How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian

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Vegan Meals Easy

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Fasting For Wellness Guide

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The Great Protein Myth

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My Vegan Journey

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Featured Vegan Story

Carissa Kranz and BeVeg


Why are you passionate about planetary wellness?

I’m a Vegan from birth, a lawyer, and an advocate for the laws that matter. I’m passionate about justice and creating laws. Vegan law and Vegan label law is an unexplored, undefined area that begs for clear definitions. There is a consumer confidence crisis, and I’m passionate about pioneering clear standards and laws that protect the Vegan-interested plant-based consumer. I am driven by passion and purpose, and how lucky am I that this is also my profession!?!

How To Be A Healthy Vegan – Vegetarian 



Dedicated to helping life on earth to thrive in harmony!


About Bliss Planet

Bliss Planet is a public charity dedicated to helping people feel their best while teaching the world how to thrive in harmony with people, animals, and this wonder-filled planet. We promote a Vegan compassionate lifestyle.

Our Mission is to develop Eco Villages as experiential learning centers that inspire innovative methods of prosperity. These nature communities will utilize harmonious living concepts. Flourishing communities where physiological and psychological needs are fulfilled while embracing green ecological principles.

A wellness certification course, digital magazine and wellness community are all part of the fun at Bliss Planet. Join a grand adventure in wellness and amplify your Goodness!

Wellness Course 

Wellness Course

We encourage you to take this opportunity to become a Certified Wellness Specialist. This is what our charity does… Gifting a course that helps people feel their best allows for our fellow earthlings to benefit as well!

Let's get you Certified!

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