Page 21 - Wellness Magazine April 2018
P. 21
mind. It is an
Inner Guide, we
can learn to listen
to for guidance.
One of the
sections of your
book is called
“Down the Ego
Rabbit Hole.”
How do you
define ego?
The ego is the
voice of fear in
our minds. It is
the small self. It
is a voice that
tells us that we
are alone,
separate and
vulnerable. It is
the part of our
mind that believes
we are limited to
a body and to a
Love instead of the thought world that often makes no sense.
system of fear. The book is
divided into three parts: a text, a How can someone who is new to
workbook (with 365 lessons, one this work begin to distinguish
for every day of the year), and a between the voice of the ego and
Manual for Teachers. the Voice of the Inner therapist?
What is the “Inner Therapist” and It can be challenging to distinguish
does everyone have one? between these two voices at first. The
voice of the ego is the voice of fear. It
Our “Inner Therapist” is the part of our is full of judgment and it likes to tell
mind that fully remembers Divine Love. you all of the things that are wrong
It remembers this Love even though with you. It tells you that you need to
we think we’re separate from it. It is protect yourself from this crazy world
important to know that our Inner we live in, and that attack is the only
Therapist is not something separate way to defend yourself. It can be harsh
from us. It is a part of our very own and loud. The Voice of the Inner
Bliss Planet 21