Page 22 - Wellness Magazine April 2018
P. 22
Therapist is completely different. It is to know the boundless love that exists
wholly loving, and it only sees your within all of us. An anxiety-free life is
inner light. It reminds you that you are possible. We can awaken from the
made of peace, joy and love. It’s a soft dream of fear, right now, and anxiety
voice, so it can easily be drowned out falls away as you begin to remember
by the ego voice. Note, however, that your True Self. Who you truly are
the ego and the Inner Therapist don’t cannot be hurt or sick, and cannot die.
have to be experienced as a “voice.” I We do not walk alone because Love is
often experience the “voice” of the always with us.
Inner Therapist as thoughts, but more
often, I experience it as a feeling – a # # #
resonant feeling in the core of my
body. Corinne Zupko, EdS, LPC, is the
author of From Anxiety to Love. As a
Do you have any advice to offer licensed counselor and keynote
anxiety sufferers when they are in speaker, she has helped thousands of
the midst of a panic attack? individuals through her one-on-one
counseling, weekly meditation classes
I always recommend these three for corporations, and the largest virtual
steps: 1. Remember that panic occurs conference of ACIM in the world,
in linear time and so it WILL come to through the organization Miracle Share
an end. 2. Remind yourself that this is International, which she cofounded.
just intense anxiety and you are not She lives in New Jersey. Visit her
going crazy. 3. If you’re comfortable, online at
lay down or sit back in a chair. Place
once hand on your belly and the other
hand on your chest. Chances are you
are breathing from high up in your
chest, so soften your abdominal
muscles so your belly moves as you
breathe. This automatically can change
your physiology, and help bring about
What do you most hope readers
will take away from your book
From Anxiety to Love?
My hope is that this book will re-
awaken and strengthen the hope, light
and love in the reader’s heart. I hope
the reader will be motivated to work
these healing principles and learn that
our awareness can continue to expand
Bliss Planet 22