Page 13 - August Bliss Planet Health & Wellness Lifestyle Magazine
P. 13
and terrestrial
meaning. Life is
meaningless only in
the cosmic sense;
the opportunities for
finding meaning
comes in the second
kind of meaning, to
be discussed next.
Cosmic meaning is
meaning from the
perspective of the
universe. This is the
sense in which life
is insignificant and
pointless, extremely limited in time
In the Christian court of no appeal,
and space. We are tiny beings on a believers in this cosmic meaning may
planet in an unremarkable solar be found guilty of not having loved
system in a galaxy with hundreds of the god sufficiently, in which case
billions of solar systems - and there eternal horrors await.
are hundreds of billions of galaxies. It
would be hard if not impossible to If the cosmic significance I've just
write an understatement that tops described sounds preposterous, and
this one: we are not the center or you suspect I'm making this up (and I
point (raison d'etre) of the universe. wouldn't fault you for that - it does
The cosmos is coldly indifferent to our sound bonkers), then check the
fate. Everything is devoid of lasting obituaries of your local paper. Here
consequence. you will find accounts of people who,
despite dying, are said to have
Billions of people, however, believe transitioned to a glorious place of
their lives have enduring significance. eternal bliss. (Oddly, I've never seen
Acculturated from birth to see an obituary notice that the departed is
themselves as cosmic celebrities, now burning in hell.) Or, be a bit
special beings created by a god who more scholarly about it: read David
loves them personally and will, after Benetar's 2017 book, The Human
death, invite them to dwell forever Predicament: A Candid Guide to Life's
and ever in a really cool place. This Biggest Questions.
conviction would give anyone a strong
sense of cosmic significance. Nice Alas, there is zero evidence and even
work or retirement, perhaps, if you less likelihood of heaven or hell. Thus,
can get it, that is, if true. However, this kind of theological take on cosmic
there is a downside to such thinking. meaning has to be embraced on faith
Bliss Planet 13