Page 14 - August Bliss Planet Health & Wellness Lifestyle Magazine
P. 14

and more than a few grains of                            for most, whether poor or rich or
       proverbial salt. But, then again,                        something in-between. Elon Musk,
       maybe that's what it takes to get into                   billionaire creator of fabulous
       The Good Place.                                          companies (i.e., Tesla, Space
                                                                Explorations Technologies and a new
       Terrestrial Meaning
                                                                tunneling start-up), admits to being
       In a terrestrial sense, of course, our                   under pressure all the time and
       lives do have meaning, do matter,                        consequently suffering mood swings,
       enormously, not only for ourselves                       terrible lows and unrelenting stress.
       but to others and, in some cases,                        So, if you want to do better, take

       perhaps to a whole tribe, a village                      quality of life enhancements very
       maybe, hell, in some rare cases, to                      seriously.
       the whole of mankind, in some way -
                                                                To boost quality of life, recognize how
       for a while, at least. Think Paine,
                                                                extraordinarily unfortunate life really
       Lincoln, Darwin, Ingersoll, Dawkins
                                                                is and knock yourself out working
       and Harris - and the list of your own
                                                                passionately to make it less so.
       heroes, past and present.
                                                                Accept the unwelcome reality that life

       Terrestrial meaning must be the dew                      sucks is the norm, lower your
       and rain, seed and soil, air and light                   expectations and resolve to pick up
       of REAL wellness - the beating heart                     every jewel of joy that can be found
       of being well that makes the human                       in your path (Ingersoll). The end
       predicament less burdensome.                             really is near, not from some brain-
       Terrestrial meaning might entail what                    dead End Times fundamentalist
       Peter Singer termed a transcendent                       doomsday but simply because life is

       cause, one beyond the boundaries of
       the self. Viktor Frankl created an
       approach to meaning linked to
       mental wellbeing called logotherapy,
       based on the premise that we are
       motivated by a will to meaning, an
       inner pull toward animating purposes

       that make life worthwhile.
       Nietzsche's way of capturing this
       aspect of terrestrial meaning was to
       say he who has a 'why' to live can
       bear with almost any 'how.'

       REAL Wellness and Quality of Life

       Hobbes was an optimist: life is far
       more dismal than simply 'solitary,
       poor, nasty, brutish, and short.' Life
       is of low, low, very very low quality,
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