Page 16 - May 2018 Magazine
P. 16

emotions are never-
                                                                                 ending. It is extremely

                                                                                 valuable to learn to
                                                                                 simply witness and be at
                                                                                 peace with our own inner
                                                                                world, even if that is not
                                                                                a feeling of peace. That
                                                                                means that any emotion
                                                                                we are currently feeling
                                                                                must be felt and moved
                                                                                through. A part of human

                                                                                bliss is moving into and
                                                                                through the emotions that
                                                                                arise within us. To reject
                                                                                or deny this process
                                                                                would be to reject and
                                                                                deny a part of who you
                                                                                are in this moment and

                                                                                likewise for those you
                                                                                come into contact with,
                                                                                regardless of whether you
                                                                                view them as "good" or
                                                                                "bad", or "right" or
                                                                                "wrong". This is
                                                                                something, I believe, we
                                                                                all need to remember in
                                                                                order to move forward

                                                                                with a better today and
       conscious or energetic aspect of you,
       so regardless of whether you believe                     Do not forget, we are the canvas on
       in the traditional soul or any                           which thoughts and experiences are
       variation, including none at all, we                     had. Aim for higher things, but do not
       can agree that we are alive and                          deny what is happening now, for your

       conscious.                                               paint, the paint that makes up the
                                                                universe will never dry, only change
       We create and receive these                              as you do.
       messages from ourselves and from
       other people every day. Stemming                         You are a blessing.
       from most everything we do                               Amy A
       including, but not limited to eating,

       talking to a person, watching a video
       or TV and even just breathing. The

                                                        Bliss Planet 16
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