Page 24 - May 2018 Magazine
P. 24
life. It can alter the way we see darkness and difficulty, both personal
ourselves. It can change the way we and collective. To read or write poetry
see the world. You may never have is a powerful, even subversive, act,
read a poem in your life, and yet you and it is one small thing we can do that
can pick up a volume, open it to any can make a very big difference.
page, and suddenly find yourself blown
into a world full of awe, dread, wonder, It can make a difference because at its
marvel, deep sorrow, and joy. Poetry best poetry calls forth our deep Being,
bids us to live by its promptings. It
not only matters; it is profoundly
necessary. Especially in times of dares us to break free from the safe
strategies of the cautious mind, from
Bliss Planet 24