Page 6 - May 2018 Magazine
P. 6

by Paul H Kemp

       The Healthy Planet Diet is the one way                   sedentary lifestyle are the twin causes
       of eating that makes the most sense                      of most of our diseases. Viewed from
       for preventing the diseases of                           an economic standpoint, our
       civilization, while preserving the                       agriculture system is operating at a
       livability of our planet. A growing                      loss, while creating a diabetes epidemic
       number of people are beginning to see                    alone that is predicted to bankrupt our
       that turning a large amount of                           medical system.
       vegetable protein into a small amount
       of meat (plus a large pile of manure) is                 A Civilization That Squanders Declining
       unsustainable.                                           Supplies of Critical Resources Is a
                                                                Recipe for Disaster
       Our vaunted Western system of
                                                                People in the developed societies
       agriculture turns imported fossil fuels
       into food and then feeds it to cows,                     consume too many of the wrong foods,
       pigs, and chickens at a loss -- or                       too few of the right ones, and do too
       alternately, we grow corn with natural                   little physical work to burn off the
       gas based fertilizer and turn it into                    excess calories. Our abundance of what
       ethanol, also at a loss of energy. This                  the less-developed world would call
       is insane.                                               luxuries is causing the most common
                                                                diseases that are sickening us and
       Both our excessive consumption of                        ending our lives prematurely.
       animal-source foods and our oil-based

                                                        Bliss Planet 6
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