Page 7 - May 2018 Magazine
P. 7

Fortunately, a small but growing                         cruel to animals, immoral, and
       number of conscientious individuals in                   unnecessary for human health, they
       Western societies are taking action to                   argue.
       correct this dysfunctional living
       pattern.                                                 A growing segment of the medical and
                                                                health research community are coming
       I personally was motivated to do                         to agree with this position, notably

       something about my risk for heart                        T.Colin Campbell, PhD, author of The
       disease and diabetes after losing three                  China Study, Dr. John McDougall, Dr.
       members of my close family to them                       Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Dean Ornish, to
       before I turned sixteen.                                 name just a few.

       There is not time nor space to credit all                With growing food costs leading to riots
       the leaders of this movement to                          in many part of the world -- and a
       rationalize our dietary habits in light of               diminishing supply of cheap oil and
       a healthy, sustainable lifestyle for all                 natural gas leading to wars for the
       residents of this unique planet, but the                 remaining reserves -- it might be wise
       book Diet for a Small Planet by Frances                  for the average person in prosperous
       Moore Lappe' was a huge impetus in                       Westernized nations to begin to think
       getting a large number of people                         seriously about adjusting their dietary
       thinking about this issue. Since then,                   habits.
       the works of John Robbins have also
       been seminal.                                            Our Unhealthy Diet Is Driving Our High
                                                                Health Care Costs.
       Their basic
       premise is that
       our present
       methods of
       growing an
       average of ten
       pounds of corn
       and soybeans to
       feed to cows for
       each pound of
       beef that we
       receive is an
       unwise use of
       protein. To spend

       a lot of effort and
       fossil fuels to
       produce meat at
       a net loss of
       protein is

                                                        Bliss Planet 7
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