Page 9 - Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Bliss Planet Health - November Edition
P. 9

called enneagram material (years                         helps to clarify all the other life paths.
      before any books were published on                       I also added new examples of well-
      the subject). But none of these                          known people on each life path, and
      systems seemed as objective,                             how I learned the system and why I

      accessible, and accurate as the                          chose to share it.
      material that I learned and internalized
      for nearly eight years, until I finally                  What is a birth number? How does
      wrote The Life You Were Born to Live.                    it relate to a life path?
      It was an extraordinary challenge, but
      more than a million readers validate                     DM: Both mystics and physicists have
      the effort.                                              proposed that all existence is

                                                               comprised, at the atomic and
      What new information does this                           subatomic levels, of numbers
      new edition cover?                                       (frequencies or vibrations). In a way

                                                               that no one has fully articulated, each
      DM:  The original book described
                                                               of us is connected to the rhythms and
      thirty-seven life paths, one of which                    dynamics of the universe, our solar
      will apply accurately to anyone born                     system, and the solar and lunar
      between 1750 to 1999. But some
                                                               cycles. But what seems to happen is
      children born after the new millennium                   that when we take our first breath,
      have new (single-digit) birth numbers.                   our parents give us a name and the
      The revised and updated 25th
                                                               universe gives us a frequency,
      Anniversary Edition covers all forty-five                expressed as our birth number. How?
      birth numbers (life paths).
                                                               You'll have to ask Pythagoras.

      Like the original edition, it reveals a
      quick and accurate means to                              Once we derive our own (or someone
      determine one's own birth number                         else's) birth number — either by
      (and corresponding life path) and the                    looking it up quickly and accurately at

      life paths of friends, loved ones,                       the "Life Purpose Calculator" at my
      colleagues, parents, and                                 website,, under
      acquaintances. It also covers the                        the menu item, "Life Purpose," or by
      strengths and challenges of each life                    doing the math as shown in the
      path in areas of health, money, and                      Appendix at the end of the new
      sexuality, as well as key spiritual laws                 edition — that number reveals our life
      to help anyone overcome the hurdles                      path and all that entails.
      on their own path.
                                                               I need to clarify here that if we divide
      In addition, the new edition reveals                     the forty-five life paths into the

      what makes a "master number" and                         population of the planet, that means
      why — how the single-digit numbers                       millions of people are working the
      impact the life paths of many young                      same life path. Does this make them
      people — and how this knowledge                          the same in some sense?  Of course

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