Page 10 - Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Bliss Planet Health - November Edition
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not — each of us is unique, and has challenges, and engaging the strength
our own story to live. of that path (as outlined in the book).
Let's point to a tree growing nearby. Ultimately, through spiritual practice,
That tree is also unique, since no we may even liberate ourselves or
other tree on the planet is exactly like transcend that life path, so that it no
that tree (i.e. the angle of every leaf longer defines or delineates us.
and branch). Yet we can outline
qualities of redwoods that are What does it mean if two or more
different from aspens or oaks or family members have the same
cypress trees. In the same way, we life path?
each have genetic heritage, life
experience, and other factors uniquely DM: My sister and I, and one of my
our own — yet we also fall within daughters, happen to be working the
certain overall patterns (or life paths) same life path — each in our own
which we then manifest in our own way, but sharing core qualities,
ways. challenges and strengths. Having the
same life path as a friend or family
Can your life path change? member has no special meaning, but
does provide a chance to compare
DM: The local date and time you are notes — similarities and differences in
born; that is, when you take your first how we respond to, and even
breath (whether you arrived as perceive, the events of our lives.
expected, or induced, or via C-
section), that is when you take on a What's the best way for a new
birth number (or frequency) and life reader to make use of this
path. You have this path for a system?
DM: The book begins with a one-page
There are related factors I address in guide titled, "How to read this book."
the new edition, such as whether you To answer the question more
were born at or near midnight, or generally, I encourage new readers to
influences of the day before or after, approach the material with healthy
or if you don't know your date of birth skepticism, but also an open mind.
for certain.
Anyone reading this short piece can
Although our life path remains the visit, click on the
same, as we grow, mature, and menu link, "Life Purpose," access the
evolve, we can face the issues on that free Life Purpose Calculator, put in
path in more mature and resourceful their date of birth, find their birth
ways, reducing the liabilities, number (and primary meanings) and
overcoming the hurdles and read a summary paragraph or two
Bliss Planet 10