Page 22 - Raw
P. 22

Raina Millay                       Especially those who don’t know

                                   they have rights and are getting
I have a garden and feel very stepped on.

connected to it and feel the same

way when I eat raw food…I feel as I try to listen to my body, and

if I am eating natures source. The treat it as a friend. I ask it what it

healthier I eat, the greater my    wants for its greater good. It’s

desire to eat healthy, and the more always telling you, it’s our choice

I’m able to tune into my body. The to listen or not. If you think you

more unhealthy foods I consume, can’t hear it, it’s only because it’s

the more I crave junk food, and been muffled for so many years by

the more my body’s voice gets      putting the wrong fuel in it. It’s

buried because of addiction.       been ignored. You have to actively

                                   listen, so it knows you care. Then

My passions are dancing,           you will get all the answers you

singing, art, theater, nature,     need. Then you’ll really be working

sports, travel, my meditation and right alongside nature, and it’s a

spiritual life. I would love to be a beautiful thing.

lawyer to fight for people’s rights.
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