Page 6 - Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Bliss Planet Health - September Edition
P. 6

A Talk with Jennifer Skiff,

      Jennifer Skiff is an award-winning                        that set you on

      journalist who traveled the globe as a                    the path to be an
      correspondent for CNN for more than                       advocate for
      a decade. Passionate about animals                        animals?
      and their welfare, she serves as a
      trustee, adviser, and spokesperson for                    It was 1998. I was
      charities around the world while                          in the country of
      working with lawmakers to create                          Laos conducting

      positive change.                                          research for a                                     book, and was
                                                                visiting a cultural
      Why is your book called Rescuing                          park. I was slowly
      Ladybugs?                                                 making my way
                                                                down a dirt trail at
      When we were kids, many of our                            the park, having
      parents taught us that the ladybug –                      stopped to read a
      the tiny, red-shelled insect with black                   plaque about

      spots – brought good luck when she                        Buddha, when my
      landed on us and that we should                           boyfriend yelled,
      gently blow her away so that she                          “Jenny, don’t come
      could return safely to her family. The                    down this path.” Of
      story nourished our natural empathy                       course, I did. What I saw weakened
      and set us on a path to feel                              my faith in humanity. Black-and-white
      compassion for all animals. At that                       Asiatic bears, identifiable by the

      very young age, the lesson we were                        trademark cream-colored collar across
      being taught was that kindness for                        their chest, were imprisoned in five
      others has rewards. This book is about                    cages placed around a statue. Set on
      people who have shown extraordinary                       concrete slabs, the bell-shaped
      compassion for other animals.                             chambers were constructed of thick
      Rescuing Ladybugs seemed like the                         iron bars reaching six feet high and
      perfect name.                                             four feet wide. They were so small
                                                                that the bears’ bodies were pushing

      Can you tell us about the                                 through the spaces between the bars.
      experience you had with a bear                            There was no protection from the
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