Page 10 - Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Bliss Planet Health - September Edition
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speak up and act when you see will be rewarded. When we allow
something that you know is wrong. ourselves to connect with other
Scream if you have to. Don’t let species, we raise our own
people get away with imprisoning and consciousness, ignite our
abusing others. I promise you that purpose, and become a
when you right a wrong you’ll find
that you’re not alone. force for good. The result is the
awakening of our soul and the gift of
1. Don’t participate in cruelty. an enlightened happiness that cannot
2. Support charities that are creating be broken by the cruelty of a few.
3. Act by speaking up, making calls,
and signing petitions.
Sometimes problems seem so big
that it’s difficult to see where to
start. What advice do you have
for someone who wants to get
involved in animal welfare and
the compassion movement but
isn’t sure where or how?
Make a plan that suits your
personality and then follow through.
If you prefer to be alone and spend a
good deal of time on the computer,
take a portion of that time to sign
petitions and write emails to your
local, state, and federal
representatives asking them to
support laws that protect animals. If
you’re looking for like-minded friends,
volunteer at your local animal shelter
or wildlife rehabilitation center.
Donate your time, fundraise, walk
dogs, clean cages, sign petitions. If
you love wild animals and want to Special Thanks to New World Library.
help save elephants or orangutans,
travel to Africa or Indonesia to
volunteer. I can guarantee the
experience will fuel your passion. No
matter how you choose to donate
your time, I promise that your efforts