IMPORTANT and relatively difficult post…👇🏼
[Sorry it’s so long. I didn’t have enough paper to get the message across accurately…and my nurse came and stole her marker back. 🤨]

illness motivation

There is nothing I want more than to inspire people to chase their dreams, be their own advocate, push the pre-conceived limits determined by others, celebrate uniqueness, accept that life can be shitty but where there is hope and determination – there will always be possibilities.
But with that being said, fighting battles does not have to look pretty.
It does not have to look graceful.
Most of the time, it won’t look beautiful by the textbook definition of the word…and it shouldn’t.
It’s messy. It’s hard. It’s a constant struggle and while it is always nice to hear “you make fighting look so easy and possible” I want to clearly dispell the idea that if you don’t learn to fight your battles in some beautiful, graceful, wonderful way – that somehow means you’re doing it wrong.
Fighting is not easy but it’s worth it.
Fighting and more importantly, winning – it’s possible.
It’s always possible.
No matter how it looks on the outside.
Having a will to live is beautiful.
Having the determination to follow your dreams is beautiful.
Having the courage to destroy obstacles in your way is beautiful.

You are beautiful.

Please don’t be discouraged because your fight looks different.
Don’t give up.
The pieces that make up each person’s battle are different.

dont let anyone ever tell you

For every picture I look relatively healthy in, there are 100 that I don’t look healthy in.
That’s just reality and that’s okay.
But hiding those 100 pictures has created this idea that I have my shit together all the time and that’s just not the case, friends.
I mean…Does anyone really have their shit together?
Probably not.
And that’s okay too!
It hurts my heart to think anyone would question how they fight their battles based off of something as trivial as outward appearance, so here I am…
Showing you all that I’m a mess sometimes as well. You’re not alone. I see you. I’m here for you. I love you. I know you can do it. I think you’re brave and phenomenally wonderful. 🖤

(For those asking, pulmonary fibrosis and pneumonia don’t go together very well. 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Bri VT
Author: Bri VT

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