by Ashwini Karthik | Oct 6, 2017 | Community, Earth, environment, green, Nature
Kiss of the sun for pardon. Song of the birds for mirth. You’re closer to God’s heart in a garden than any place else on earth.” — Dorothy Frances Gurney A beautiful garden enlightens both our eyes and our soul, it’s a direct way to get...
by Matthew Sorrow | Sep 28, 2017 | Earth, environment, Featured, green
Saving water might be pretty easy and not only a money saving task but also friendly to the environment. If you are aware of water saving problem and have a lot of information about it take a look at the bullet point below and make sure that you know and have done...
by jack jones | Sep 4, 2017 | Earth, environment, Featured, green, Sustainability
Is there truth to the rumors that our planet is slated to die? Who do we put our trust in when we are informed that the very things that are critical for life are becoming consumed? Is the solution for people to begin living a greener lifestyle? Will change better our...
by Bliss | Aug 8, 2017 | Earth, environment, Featured, Goodness Messages, green, People, Politics, World
Pascal and Madelin are from Germany. The video message they share in German is that the land in the United States is very majestic with a beautiful aura and that we should protect it from pollution. The decisions president Trump has made are very important for them...
by LumaraRose Hammond | Aug 3, 2017 | Earth, environment, Goodness Messages, green, Nature
This Earth gave Life to me And so I bring Life to the Earth… With every breath I breathe, With every moment I’m awake, With all my Heart and Soul, With every seed I plant, With every tree I seed… May I bring Life into this World… May we all...
by Bliss | Aug 1, 2017 | Earth, environment, Featured, green, Inspiration, Make A Difference, Nature, Sustainability
His name is Felix Finkbeiner and you can also call him Felix the Forest king…a thirteen-year-old’s campaign to save the environment by planting millions of trees. The best thing that we children can do is to plant trees. So in short, “stop...