Page 13 - Bliss Planet Appreciation Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - The Power of Gratitude
P. 13
Appreciate the psychologists - our brains
people who work automatically tend to focus on the
everyday to negatives and ignore the positive
produce your experiences. But eventually, this can
food and deliver change. Consistency is the key.
it to you.
Appreciate the A 2003 study by Emmons and Mc
ones who make Cullough showed that keeping a
your clothes and written record of what you are
things you use grateful for daily - helps you live a
everyday. Try happier lifestyle, exercise more, be
seeing your life more optimistic, more successful in
as a glass that is achieving your goals, sleep better and
half full - not have a better approach to life. How
half empty. underestimated the power of
gratitude is!
Meditate (or
pray if you are Being thankful can help you achieve
religious). happiness. Studies show that people
who practiced gratitude were 25%
Try looking back happier and more optimistic about
at the end of their lives than people who didn't.
each day and "Gratitude" comes from Latin word
remembering at meaning "thankful". The more you
least one thing practice - the more things you start
to be grateful noticing that you took for granted.
for. Don't force
Contemplate on individual blessings
yourself - if you
and how they changed your life for
can't do it
better. Use different techniques - this
everyday - do it
will help you not to get bored. You
once a week.
might sometimes write a journal,
You might not be
other times talk about it or express it
able to focus on it everyday - it takes
time. Reflecting on things you feel through art. Writing a gratitude letter
grateful for is a form of meditation, even without sending it still has
just without focusing on your benefits for your body and mind. Just
breathing. Everyone can do it, 15 minutes a week can help you
regardless of their age. achieve results.
You might want to start by naming
This will take time and a lot of
practice but eventually will make you just one thing you are grateful for,
a better and happier person. As I everyday. It gradually rewires your
mentioned before - according to brain into positive thinking. After just
Bliss Planet 13