Page 20 - Feb 2018 Wellness Magazine
P. 20

9. Recognize that your family members                   15. Be tactful considerate and
        and close friends are experts on you                    courteous. Avoid taking advantage of
        and your behavior. Avoid the tendency                   the other person’s feelings.
        to deny their observations about you –
        especially if you are not sure.                         16. Ask questions and listen carefully.
                                                                Avoid preaching or lecturing.
        10. Recognize that disagreement can be
        a meaningful form of communication.                     17. Do not use excuses. Avoid falling
        Avoid destructive arguments.                            for the excuses of others.
                                                                                      18. Speak kindly
        11. Be honest and
        open about your                                                               politely and softly.
        feelings and                                                                  Avoid nagging yelling
        viewpoints. Bring                                                             or whining.
        up all significant                                                            19. Recognize the
        problems even if                                                              value of humor and
        you are afraid that                                                           seriousness. Avoid
        doing so will                                                                 destructive teasing.
        disturb another
        person. Speak the                                                             Summary
        truth in love. Avoid                                                          As you look ahead to
        sullen silences.
                                                                                      new relationships, you
        12. Do not put                                                                need to be able to
        down and/or                                                                   break old and faulty
        manipulate the                                                                communication
        other person with                                                             patterns to allow for
        tactics such as                                                               healthier interaction.
        ridicule,                                                                     The use of praise and
        interrupting,                                                                 positive reinforcement
        name-calling,                                                                 will reconstruct
        changing the                                                                  wounded and broken
        subject, blaming,                                                             self-images and will
        bugging, sarcasm,                                                             build self-esteem,
        criticism, pouting,                                                           particularly in children.
        guilt-inducing, etc. Avoid the one-up                   By becoming an effective
        manship game.                                           communicator, you will also grow and
                                                                become a better person which will
        13. Be more concerned about how your                    positively enhance all your
        communication affects others than                       relationships.
        about what you intended. Avoid getting
        bitter if you are misunderstood.                        Michael Brady is a web entrepreneur and
                                                                is currently running a very popular dating
        14. Accept all feelings and try to                      site (Dating In Ireland). He wishes to coach
        understand why others feel and act as                   people on some skills that will make them
        they do. Avoid the tendency to say,                     more prepared for an online dating
        “you shouldn’t feel like that.”                         experience.

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