Page 47 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
P. 47

An excerpt from                                          by Alan Watts

        Deep down, most people think that
        happiness comes from having or
        doing something. In Alan Watts’s
        groundbreaking second book

        (originally published in 1940), he
        offers a more challenging thesis:
        authentic happiness comes from
        embracing life as a whole in all its
        contradictions and paradoxes, an
        attitude that Watts calls the “way of
        acceptance.” Drawing on Eastern

        philosophy, Western mysticism, and
        analytic psychology, Watts
        demonstrates that happiness comes
        from accepting both the outer world
        around us and the inner world inside
        us — the unconscious mind, with its
        irrational desires, lurking beyond the
        awareness of the ego. Although
        written early in his career, The

        Meaning of Happiness displays the
        hallmarks of his mature style: the
        crystal-clear writing, the homespun
        analogies, the dry wit, and the
        breadth of knowledge that made
        Alan Watts one of the most

        influential philosophers of his
        generation.                                             soul, of the fear of fear, of man’s
                                                                consequent isolation from nature,
        We hope you will enjoy this excerpt
                                                                and of the way in which this isolation
        from The Meaning of Happiness: The
                                                                has been intensified in the growth of
        Quest for Freedom of the Spirit in
                                                                civilization. We have also shown how
        Modern Psychology and the Wisdom
                                                                man is intimately and inseparably
        of the East:
                                                                connected with the material and
        We have examined something of the                       mental universe, and that if he tries
        meaning of unhappiness, of the war                      to cut himself off from it he must
        between the opposites in the human                      perish. In fact, however, he can only

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