Page 49 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
P. 49

will realize the mysterious truth
                                                                  that in fact he is free both to live
                                                                  and to die, to love and to fear, to
                                                                  rejoice and to be sad, and that in
                                                                  none of these things is there any

                                                                  shame. But man rejects his
                                                                  freedom to do them, imagining that
                                                                  death, fear, and sorrow are the
                                                                  causes of his unhappiness. The real
                                                                  cause is that he does not let
                                                                  himself be free to accept them, for
                                                                  he does not understand that he
                                                                  who is free to love is not really free

                                                                  unless he is also free to fear, and
                                                                  this is the freedom of happiness.

                                                                  Alan Watts (January 6, 1915 – November
                                                                  16, 1973) was a British-born American
                                                                  philosopher, writer, speaker, and
                                                                  counterculture hero, best known as an
                                                                  interpreter of Asian philosophies for a
                                                                  Western audience. He wrote over 25
                                                                  books and numerous articles applying the
                                                                  teachings of Eastern and Western religion
                                                                  and philosophy to our everyday lives.

                                                                  Excerpted from the book The Meaning of
                                                                  Happiness: The Quest for Freedom of the
        identification of the Seer with the                       Spirit in Modern Psychology and the
                                                                Wisdom of the East. Copyright ©2018 by
        instruments of seeing.”¹¹ Certainly
                                                                Joan Watts and Anne Watts. Printed with
        man as instrument is an obedient
                                                                permission from New World Library —
        tool whether he likes it or not, but it       
        may be that there is something in
        man which is more than the
        instrument, more than his reason
        and individuality which are part of
        that instrument and which he
        mistakenly believes to be his true

        self. And while as an instrument he
        is bound, as this he is free, and his
        problem is to become aware of it.
        Finding it, he will understand that in
        fleeing from death, fear, and sorrow
        he is making himself a slave, for he

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