Page 48 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
P. 48

cut himself off in imagination,
        otherwise he would cease to
        exist, but we have yet to decide
        whether this elusive thing called
        happiness would result from

        acceptance of the fact of man’s
        union with the rest of life. But if
        this is true we have to discover
        how such an acceptance may be
        made, whether it is possible for
        man to turn in his flight into
        isolation and overcome the
        panic which makes him try to

        swim against the current
        instead of with it. In the
        psychological realm this
        swimming against the current is
        called repression, the reaction of
        proud, conscious reason to the
        fears and desires of nature in

        man. This raises the further
        question of whether acceptance
        of nature involves just a return
        to the amorality of the beast,
        being simply a matter of
        throwing up all responsibility,
        following one’s whims, and drifting                     possibilities of nature than the
        about on the tide of life like a fallen                 animal can express by instinct, for
        leaf. To return to our analogy: life is                 while the animal is nature’s whistle,

        the current into which man is                           man is its organ.
        thrown, and though he struggles
        against it, it carries him along                        Even so, man does not like to be put
        despite all his efforts, with the result                down to the place of an instrument,
        that his efforts achieve nothing but                    however grand that instrument may
        his own unhappiness. Should he                          be, for an instrument is an
        then just turn about and drift? But                     instrument, and an organ does what

        nature gave him the faculties of                        it is made to do as subserviently and
        reason and conscious individuality,                     blindly as a whistle. But this is not
        and if he is to drift he might as well                  the only consideration. It may be
        have been without them. It is more                      that man has a wrong idea of what
        likely that he has them to give                         his self is. In the words of the Hindu
        expression to immeasurably greater                      sage Patanjali, “Ignorance is the

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