Page 15 - Bliss Planet July Magazine
P. 15
By Kay Hutchinson
Stress is a response to experience While we cannot control life events
that creates mental, spiritual or that create tragedy or
physical tension. disappointments, we can control how
we choose to respond and process
Bliss is the opposite. It is a response them.
that creates relaxation, acceptance
and peace. Have you ever had a tragedy occur
and discovered that despite the pain
Some stress is a natural part of life.
or loss, somewhere deep inside there
For example, the loss of a loved one
was a calm or centeredness? Did you
or job, or appearance of serious
experience a sense of faith in a higher
disease can create stress.
power and the knowledge that things
These life events often create will be okay?
sadness, grief, anxiety and fear,
This is bliss. It is accessible even in
emotions that are associated with
moments of tragedy. It allows us to
higher levels of tension.
Bliss Planet 15