Page 20 - Bliss Planet March 2018 Health And Wellness Magazine
P. 20

By Tirup Patel

         Getting the Basics Right: Vegan is                     Your Reality Check: The True
         Different from Vegetarianism                           Definition of "Veganism"

         Vegans and vegetarians both do not                     Veganism is defined as a lifestyle that
         eat meat. However, vegetarians have                    pursues to eliminate all forms of
         the freedom to devour eggs and dairy                   mistreating or being unkind to animals.
         products but vegans avoid consuming                    Contemporary interpretation also
         animal products, including eggs and                    suggests an equal emphasis on lifestyle
         dairy and animal-based products such                   choices being eco-friendly, reducing
         as leather, wool, and silk. For Vegans,                your carbon footprints and converging
         bathing essentials and other products                  these practices in everyday schedules.
         made with animal fats are                              The appeal and prospects for vegan
         unacceptable. Vegetarianism is                         products is now at an all-time high,
         customarily a diet, whereas Veganism                   escalating gradually. However,
         is a lifestyle. Vegetarians frequently                 consumers need to realize that
         pick their diet based on its recounted                 everything terms natural or organic is
         fitness benefits or maybe for spiritual                not Vegan and every Vegan item might
         and political motives. Vegans might                    not disclose its preparation in terms of
         boast about having much stronger                       having harmed animals.
         principles but their niche is not driven
         by laws or regulations.                                Currently Trending: Changing
                                                                Image of Veganism
         Your Perception Matters: Veganism
         is tough! Still, why follow it?                        The rapid growth of vegan trends
                                                                indicates that veganism is on the
         Going Vegan is not easy. Many people                   upswing. It is being adopted across
         choose the vegan way of life because of                age-groups and geographies where
         ecological concerns and protecting                     meat consumption was once the norm.
         animals. Others opt for veganism for                   One of the world's wealthiest men, Bill
         fitness and overall well-being.                        Gates, considers veganism as the "the
         According to research studies, vegans                  future of food". Veganism has been
         have a greater tendency to have lower                  hemming into the mainstream for
         cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure               years, cajoled along by international
         and better overall health when                         personalities and celebrities including
         compared to meat feeders from the                      Bill Clinton, Ellen De Generes, and
         same demographic and case study                        Beyoncé. But currently, it is flourishing
         conditions. With veganism spreading                    as followers are pursuing veganism
         across the globe more data collation                   more aggressively, demanding that
         and analysis indicates that vegans have                they get produce that does not harm
         reduced the risk of developing diabetes                the environment and animals in any
         and certain types of cancers.                          way.

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