Page 18 - Bliss Planet March 2018 Health And Wellness Magazine
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slut. YES, I KNOW I WILL BE JUDGED building our dream together from the
FOR THIS….. WHO CARE! I AM floor up and staying grounded. If we
CHOOSING TO LIVE FREE OF SHAME & truly followed Spirit, the Gifts would
FEAR! Yes, this is the honesty that must blow us away. So I now am ready to be
be and stay present for you to live LOVED because I LOVE me. Ask
authentically. yourself the why’s, what’s and how’s,
take the time to understand where it all
The rush that comes when we do get starts and why you do what you do.
that attention again is normal. Unless Then move intentionally in LOVE starting
we are blind to the world around us we with the LOVE you have for you. Again
can’t help but notice it and delight in it. you will be blown away by the abundant
The desire to go outside for attention blessings awaiting you. I know I have
decreases or can altogether disappear been! SENDING LOVE!
when we have it in our life, in our
relationship, with our mate. This is why
the types of relationships we invest in
and build are crucial. Oh, believe me I
have seen… well let me stop there, think
of your ideal Oh my GOODNESS. You
are out together for the evening; while
there is a lustful spark you really have
nothing in common. We then fight to
build a house together on the sand all
along feeling things are missing
especially once the excitement of
construction is over. Instead of being
authentic & honest about who we are,
we perform a dance that leads to
emptiness. If they see the real me or
when we become the real us, everyone
becomes shocked and dismayed. Here
is the key! If we are HONEST with
ourselves about us, we can then be
honest with the world outside of us.
Building our home on a solid foundation Michelle LLC, Founder of The Divine
means we have our best friend side of Vision Center for Healing and Self
us. To feel passion for the person who Discovery & Certified Transformational
loves you the most in the world is one of Life Coach. Specializing in Thought &
the most amazing Gift Spirit has to Feeling Training with a new focus on
offer. As people, we compromise so Sexual Energy.
much for so little. Getting the BIG
house, expensive car, the trophy
spouse, and the perfect looking kids is
the main objective. Instead, the focus
should be finding our Best friend,
Bliss Planet 18