Page 22 - Bliss Planet March 2018 Health And Wellness Magazine
P. 22

All coaches will teach you how to
                                                               learn to love and accept yourself for
                                                               who you are, and that in turn,
                                                               empowers you. Love is a beautiful
                                                               thing, isn't it? And support is crucial.

                                                               But there is one thing that most
                                                               coaches are not zeroing in on, and
                                                               that is, to how to truly be
                                                               compassionate. For when you are
                                                               compassionate, the universe gives
        You may know me from my national
                                                               back. And you want the universe on
        TV series, Plant-based By Nafsika
                                                               your side, right?
        but did you know that I'm also a

        certified Health and Lifestyle Coach?                  Can we all agree that true love and
                                                               compassion does not stem from
        Since becoming a coach, I have                         pain, suffering, and violence? So,
        been using my skills to change lives                   with that logic in mind, do you think
        and make a difference in the world.                    it's safe to say that we shouldn't be
        My program not only completely                         causing pain and suffering to others
        transforms your body and health but                    in order to survive? But what about

        also enlightens your consciousness                     the foods we eat, our leather shoes
        while saving the world all at the                      and sofas? Because before they
        same time.
                                                               became leather, or fur, or beef or
        How? Well, one of the things I aim                     pork, they actually belonged to very
        to do in my program is help you                        loving, compassionate, and sentient
        discover an ultimate love and                          beings. But we took that away.

        compassion for yourself and for the                    Why? Can we not live healthy lives
        world.                                                 without killing these wonderful
                                                               beings? Of course, we can! And even
        If you desire to live a life of love and               better, we can thrive.
        compassion, you must love and be
        compassionate. And then, you can                       How are we supposed to be loving
        spread that same love and                              and compassionate when we harm

        compassion to the rest of the world.                   others? It doesn't make sense.
        And it will continue to go around and                  That's why a big part of my program
        around.                                                consists of helping you transition to
                                                               a plant-based/vegan diet and
        There is no need for pain, no need                     lifestyle. Not only will you reach
        for hatred or violence. In fact, any of                ultimate love and compassion simply
        these things will stop you from                        by stopping the tradition of

        thriving. Love and compassion is the                   contributing to violence to others,
        only way we can all thrive. And it all                 but you will lose a heck of a lot of
        starts with YOU.                                       weight faster, if you need to, you

                                                        Bliss Planet 22
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