by Christine Bowyer | Feb 22, 2017 | Animals, Featured, Wellness
Our pets are so good for us in more ways than we think. Animals bring love and joy into our lives and We give love, happiness and comfort to them. Pets bring so much joy into our lives, our cat constantly keeps us entertained with his antics. Our cat was from a cat...
by Christina Thamm | Dec 9, 2016 | Animal Welfare, Animals, Goodness Messages, Inspiration, Vegan & Vegetarian
I wanted to do a quick live video talking about what you go through being a vegan. Not so much comments to me, but more of what I see from other vegans. I’m trying in general to post a lot of positive things. More happy videos, health benefits and how you can...
by Lisa Catherine Wolfenden | Dec 9, 2016 | Animal Welfare, Animals, Featured
I am sitting here writing my third attempt at this as I have been told my first two versions needed toning down. The problem with this is that to ‘tone it down’ is equal to smoothing it over, covering it up, not causing offence. I can’t do this,...
by Dim Kailaris | Dec 2, 2016 | Animal Welfare, Animals, Goodness Messages, Vegan & Vegetarian
Hi my names Dim and I’m riding my bicycle from Melbourne to Sydney (over 1000km) to spread the vegan message and raise money for the animal activist group Anonymous for the Voiceless. This animal activist group hits the streets each week showing the public...
by Kyle Quandel | Nov 17, 2016 | Animal Welfare, Animals, environment, Featured, green, Solutions, Vegan & Vegetarian
There has to be a conscious and deliberate effort to establish and promote an animal friendly and humane society as this ultimate goal complement other major variables that are critical to our own survival. It is directly linked to other key issues like environmental...
by Bliss | Nov 14, 2016 | Amplify Goodness, Animals, Featured, Goodness Messages, Nutrition, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, Vegan & Vegetarian
Christina Thamm is a Danish animal lover living in Spain. She is Vegan since April 2016 and fights for animals rights whenever she can find the time. Christina regularly moves and travels so she doesn’t have any pets. She fosters “the worlds sweetest...