Embrace Fear

Embrace Fear

Do not fear what hasn’t happened yet for it is a product of imagination. If you embrace the fear and understand why you feel it, fear loses its power over you and a world of opportunities will become available! Kegan...
Inner Peace, Inner Healing

Inner Peace, Inner Healing

Many paths lead to Inner Healing, and though there are various reasons why individuals choose to take the journey within, we might all agree that the impetus, in part, includes a search for a deeper meaning to life and a longing to experience an unmoving and peaceful...
A Tribute To Martin Luther King Jr.

A Tribute To Martin Luther King Jr.

Today we remember a man passionate about spreading LOVE over hate, Unity over separation. His lips shared these beautiful words…”Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only LIGHT can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only LOVE can do that!” The name...

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