Are you ready to embark on a journey towards optimal health and rejuvenation? Look no further than a juice fast – a transformative experience that will leave you feeling revitalized and blissful. But what exactly is a juice fast? Well, it’s a form of detoxification and healing that involves consuming only fruit and vegetable juices for a set period of time. By eliminating solid foods and nourishing your body with nutrient-rich juices, you are giving your digestive system a much-needed break and allowing it to focus on repairing and rejuvenating.

The benefits of a juice fast are truly astounding. Not only will you experience increased energy, mental clarity, and improved digestion, but you will also notice that your skin becomes clearer and more radiant. The healing properties of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in fresh juice are unmatched. Plus, by embarking on a juice fast, you are embracing a vegan lifestyle, which has been proven to lower the risk of chronic diseases and promote overall well-being.

So, you might be wondering, what are the best fruits and vegetables for a juice fast? Well, the choices are endless, but some popular options include leafy greens like spinach and kale, hydrating fruits like watermelon and cucumber, and citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. Experiment with different combinations to find what suits your taste buds best.
As for the amount of juice you should consume on a juice cleanse, it’s recommended to drink around 16-32 ounces of fresh juice every 2-3 hours. This will ensure that your body is receiving a steady stream of nutrients throughout the day and keep hunger at bay. It’s important to listen to your body and adjust the amount of juice you consume based on your hunger levels and overall well-being.

When it comes to the duration of your juice fast, it ultimately depends on your individual goals and preferences. Some people opt for a 3-day cleanse to kickstart their journey towards improved health, while others may go for a week or even longer. Whatever you decide, make sure to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that you are embarking on a safe and suitable cleanse for your body.

So, are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey towards better health and wellness? Take the plunge and try a juice fast. Your body will thank you, and you will be amazed by the incredible benefits that await you. Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to a new level of energy and vitality. Embrace the power of a juice cleanse and discover the true meaning of health and bliss. You deserve it.

Here are some popular questions regarding a juice fast:

  • What is a juice fast? A juice fast is a type of cleanse in which you only consume juice from fruits and vegetables for a period, typically 1-3 days.
  • Why do people do juice fasts? People do juice fasts for a variety of reasons, including to detoxify their bodies, lose weight, improve their gut health, and boost their energy levels.
  • How long should I do a juice fast? The length of a juice fast depends on your individual goals and tolerance. It is recommended to start with a 1-3 day fast and gradually increase the duration if desired.
  • What are the benefits of a juice fast? Potential benefits of juice fasting include:
    • Weight loss
    • Improved digestion
    • Increased energy levels
    • Reduced inflammation
    • Improved skin health
    • Increased nutrient intake
    • Reduced stress levels
  • What are the risks of a juice fast? Juice fasting can be safe for most healthy adults, but it is important to talk to your doctor before starting a fast, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Potential risks of juice fasting include:
    • Dehydration
    • Nutrient deficiencies
    • Headaches
    • Fatigue
    • Dizziness
    • Mood swings

Here are some additional popular questions:

  • What kind of juice should I drink during a juice fast? It is best to drink a variety of juices made from fresh fruits and vegetables. Some popular juice recipes include:
    • Green juice: made with leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and celery
    • Fruit juice: made with fruits such as apples, oranges, and berries
    • Root vegetable juice: made with root vegetables such as carrots, beets, and ginger
  • How much juice should I drink during a juice fast? Most people drink 4-6 glasses of juice per day during a juice fast. It is important to listen to your body and drink more juice if you are feeling hungry or thirsty.
  • What can I do if I feel hungry during a juice fast? If you feel hungry during a juice fast, try drinking more juice or adding a small amount of protein or fat to your juice, such as nut milk or avocado.
  • Can I exercise during a juice fast? Light exercise, such as walking or yoga, is generally safe during a juice fast. Avoid strenuous exercise, as this can lead to dehydration.

If you are considering doing a juice fast, it is important to talk to your doctor first to make sure it is safe for you.

Transcription of the video below

There’s a lot that goes on during a juice cleanse and so it’s a massive amount of healing that’s not just the body. So it’s spiritual, it’s emotional.

So you drink juice how many times a day?

So you do it for 55 days and that’s all you drink.

Once I started getting into it, I needed less and less and less amount of juice. So I sometimes I’d be like, oh I haven’t drank anything for six hours. So you just kind of you don’t need that much anymore. My body was so full of so many nutrients that it was just running off of, I don’t know, just the carbohydrates from all the energy from the juice. I just didn’t need anything.

And did you vary the kind of juice, the particular blends?

In the beginning, yes. But about the last 40 days I strictly went citrus. So it was only lemon, only orange and only grapefruit. Because it’s very stringent citrus, so that means it pulls. It’s like a magnet to mucus and obstructions in the body, so it literally pulls everything from all the cells and it clears everything out. Anything that’s going on in your sinuses it’s eliminated. Everything is just gone, cleared. It probably helps the lymphatic system.

And I also incorporated natural herbs into my healing. This is important. But you can only do that if you’re only on all fruits, either juice or fruit. Straight fruits. Like a raw fruit detox. Yeah. And what I’ve noticed by doing that, it’s easier to stay on track and keep the weight off because I have a lot of the obstructions removed. And also working with Dr. Ben, chiropractor, he also helps with clearing more energy obstructions with his Light Touch chiropractic. He’s very good at what he does. He allows the body to help remove the obstructions on its own by unlocking the body’s own ability to heal itself. So, yeah. It was a combination of the therapies. I don’t know, it just it really helped. I feel really vibrant.

What kind of a serving size is that? Like an 8 ounce or a 16 ounce?

My juice cleanses are, you get 6 of these. You get 6 of these in a day. So, it’s a good amount.

So, 6 jars in a day?

6 jars.

So, tell me about your experience.

My name is Lindsey. I do bodybuilding. I got into bodybuilding because I played softball my whole life. I played in college and I continued my athletic ability after college. I did CrossFit and then I decided I was eating so much food, but I wanted to look a certain way. You know, some people work out to look a certain way. And then that’s whenever I started tracking my food, which I will go into later. But, I did this bodybuilding show and then I relied on coffee a lot. And this is where I incorporate with Tracy. I really depended on coffee for everything. And then Tracy was like, why are you drinking so much coffee? There’s a lot of side effects to that. And so then, I went on this juice cleanse for 3 days. And a lot with bodybuilding, it makes you realize the importance of food. Like, how much food you’re taking. So, with bodybuilding, you know you have to have food this hour and how much and calculate it. And so then, with the juices, that helped me realize yes, I have a juice now, but it’s only a carrot, apple, and lemon. So, in 2 hours, I get to have more juice. And then it kind of like made you realize the mental aspect of food and juice. Like Tracy was saying, because you do have a lot of emotions and people are like, oh my gosh, you don’t get full on just juice. Well, actually, you’re having all these things in her juice, which is listed on there. And I really like it. I did one juice cleanse and then I did two. And it gets easier because you realize the importance of food. So, that’s a little about juicing. I haven’t had coffee in like 23 days because of Tracy. So, I think it was 23 days ago when I did my first juice cleanse with Tracy. And then it kind of puts you in that aspect because I was like, oh, I’m going to stop getting coffee. And then like, oh wait, why? I don’t want coffee. I’m just going to stop and get it. But then you’re like, no, you don’t need it. It just becomes a habit. And so, when you learn how to break that habit, something like juicing makes you realize the importance of food and everything you’re putting into your body.

So, do you have a typical time frame? So, like you said, you did one for three days, you did one for 55 days, which is like ridiculous.

Yeah, you don’t do 55 days. So, is a typical cleanse period, what, like a seven day kind of a deal? Three days is fantastic to start off. That’s what I recommend. If you haven’t done it, do three days. Anything less than that, you’re really not getting the full benefits. You’re really starting to, you’re getting out of the discomfort zone where you’re like, I need to eat. I can’t do this.

What kind of a caloric intake would you get out of a jar? If you’re having six jars a day, what does that account for in terms of caloric intake?

My juices are roughly anywhere between 150 to 200 calories a piece. So, we’ll call it 1,200 calories a day. Yeah, about 1,000 to 1,200. So, I mean, you’re not in a massive deficit. You’re getting good nutrients and good calories. But it’s for a short period of time.

Right…the reason I ask is like, I’m a runner and a triathlon coach… So, if you’re doing 8, 10, 12 mile runs, a mile and a half swim, you’re not going to get by on 1,000 calories a day.

No. But again, that’s for a short period of time. That’s a short-term thing to where you take 3, 5, 7 days and go through that and then it’s kind of… I would assume you could just go back to your normal caloric intake. And see, the importance and the reason to do it fast is to rest. Right. And a lot of people still want to continue to do, and if you can, by all means, but you’re really not getting the full benefits because you really want to use that extra energy to heal the inside of the body. So, if we’re using all that energy, it’s not, it’s going, hey, we’re trying to clear out the system. We’re trying to repair the cellular system and clear the lymphatic system. We can’t do that when you’re running. Right. So, if you’re doing like a 7-day cleanse, you’re essentially making that a 7-day rest period. You know, it can be a spiritual experience if you allow it to.

Tracy, for like normal people, somebody who wants to begin, right, and get out of the comfort zone. I think people are just used to just eating, you know, we just eat, like breakfast, lunch, dinner, right? People don’t think, right? So how does a begginer start a juice cleanse?

You get used to having the extra nutrients. I mean, if you were to actually see the amount of produce that you would get in a day, you wouldn’t be able to eat it. It’s like a heaping amount of produce. So, you would be so full because of the fiber. And I can vouch to that.

So, last time we met, I talked about buying Suja juice from Costco. Yeah, I remember. So, I come home and I snack from after work, but then for my dinner, I don’t really eat, but I just drink like a bottle of Suja juice, and it’s like 45 calories. So, that’s just amazing. It’s 45 calories, but I don’t feel hungry till next day morning, I go to work like 9.30, whatnot, I drink coffee, and then eat lunch. So, that really brings me here. It’s very exciting. So, is that something you would transition into? Like, you might want to start with a jar or two a day, and kind of ease your way into it, as opposed to stopping your regular diet, cold turkey, and just jumping into that 100%, right?

I would not suggest that very much.

I haven’t felt better in my life. The way that your body feels, there’s just no inflammation. You know, you can move and do things that you normally can’t do. I mean, the food sometimes will box down in ways, so you just feel very light, and you’re not hungry, as long as you’re continuing to drink juice and water. Yeah, you get all the nutrients you need. I think it’s just more or less a habit.

Tracy Fortune

Learn More about Juice Fasting 

Juicing Benefits: A Vegan Story by Tracy Fortune

Juice cleansing – how to fast with a juice cleanse

Plant-Based Vitality with Benjamin Benulis, DC

Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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