Cheers! Hi, I’m Tracy Fortune.

And I guess my story is a little different. I’m here and I can just say that I’m just honestly, just grateful to be alive in my body.

I haven’t always been like this. I was an emotional eater. So young, I ate a lot of different foods that, of course, weren’t the best. So, you know, kind of living on those little debbies and all the little fun things. And I didn’t really think about nutrition. My family wasn’t into nutrition. And a lot of years through this, it wasn’t so much the weight. It was what was going on inside my body. And after so many years of this, I was just in pain all the time. And I think I just got used to being in pain. Literally just walking and joints would hurt. And I just was functioning in this way in my life. I mean, probably around the age of about 20 years old. And I’m 41 right now. And so this just kept accumulating and accumulating.

And I was getting into back problems. And I had a back issue for about 15 years. And it just kept getting worse and worse and worse. And I went to chiropractors. After chiropractors, I was seeing one seven days a week. I was being put under for shots. They would put me to sleep. And I had an MRI. I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. I was getting arthritis in the spine. I was wearing a back brace at the age of 36 years old. And I literally could not function. I was an alcoholic. I was addicted to every pain pill you could imagine. And everything just kept getting worse.

At this time, I was a mother. And I could barely function, let alone take care of my children properly. I ignored myself. I ignored my health for so long. It was getting so bad. And literally, the pain pills weren’t doing anything anymore. Nothing was happening. And something happened. This was, to be honest, this was extremely spiritual. I was laying on the ground, and I was desperate. The doctor told me I was going to need back surgery. And I’m like, no, 36 years old.

There was all these implications. And I literally was in my bedroom. I got on my hands and knees. And I’ve never been religious. This was my opportunity to connect to some sort of higher power. And I prayed. And I just, please help me. I’m laying here. I can’t move. I’m immobile. I can’t take my kids anywhere. I can’t play. I couldn’t hike. I couldn’t do the things that regular people could do, let alone working out. I mean, people would work out. I couldn’t even bend over. My feet hurt so badly that I had to stay behind. Like anything that was active was just out of the picture.

Drinking, eating, and socializing were my life. I functioned that way. I didn’t understand any other opportunity of life other than that. So I got some great ideas about doing smoothies. So I started doing a bunch of smoothies and then found these ideas about juice.



So I started to juice. And I started to juice. And I kept juicing. And I kept juicing. And I started to feel a little bit better. And what I mean by that, it wasn’t like, yeah! This was, ah, I can bend over and make up my bed today. This is the simplest things that I… You become in gratitude. Just to be able to, you know, maybe walk with your children. You know, to go down the slide. I mean, this may be something not important to some people. But as a young mother, like, I’m 36, I thought I was young. I couldn’t do these things. This was just out of the question. So that’s why I became obsessed with juice. Because I was getting relief. I mean, the smoothies was like, oh, I was getting introduced into some healthy foods.

But it wasn’t until I really, really started to do this that helped me with the inflammation. The next step was I was able to get off of all pain pills and alcohol. And with that went a lot of friends. So I didn’t care. I just wanted to feel okay. I just wanted to be functional. I just wanted to not have all these issues. And not be able to provide for my family because I couldn’t provide for myself.

So I kept at it. I kept at it. And I went into, I know it’s controversial, but I went in and got my medical marijuana card because of the pain. And I wanted to get off of all opioids because I had a nice selection in my cabinet. And when I got my medical marijuana card, everything just went in the trash. I threw everything away. And I said, that’s enough.

Vegetarian Transformation

I’m going on, I’m going to start a vegetarian diet. That’s how I started. I said juice. And I cut out the meat. And I still ate a little bit of eggs from here and there and a little bit of cheese. I was still doing that. But cow’s milk was out for me. I still saw a dramatic increase. And then I got my family involved in it. And then I noticed how much it was improving their life. It really didn’t stop there.

I got diagnosed with another chronic illness, which was Hashimoto’s, which is a low thyroid autoimmune disease. And the doctor told me, oh, this is another thing that’s incurable. Just like my back was. This is incurable. And I said, thank you so much for the information. And because I know my ability to heal my back, I said, challenge accepted. So I focused on what I could do to heal myself. I did some certain juices, but I also used my power of faith to help me heal.

I don’t understand how it happened. I don’t know all the logistics. I can’t explain how someone heals themselves. All I know is that I changed my diet, and I did some energy work. And I had another transformation. I had blood work done. There was absolutely no signs of any thyroid. And the doctor was pleased. He was jumping up and down. He goes, I’ve heard of this happening. I’ve heard of people healing themselves. I’ve read this, but I’ve never actually seen it. And I’m sitting there going in awe still, in shock. I’m like, really? I didn’t believe it. I’m like, this only took three weeks? Like, how did I do this? This was three weeks. And I don’t get it. But it was empowering. And I just kept doing more and more and more and more juice cleanses.

I do a seven-day cleanse probably at least once a month or a month and a half. I’ve done lots of 14-day cleanses. I’ve done about five or six 30-day cleanses. And I’ve done a 50-day cleanse. And I just finished a 55-day juice cleanse, which was my longest one. I finished that about three weeks ago. And that one was my most transformative. I haven’t even talked about any weight loss because that really wasn’t part of my journey. It was the health.

Juicing fruits and vegetables

Vegan Journey

A lot of people have their way into veganism through lots of different ways, as Tanner explained. You know, the environment, there’s the animals, there’s your health. And 100%, it was my health. I literally thought I was going to die. The next step was death for me. The pain was just so bad that I wanted out. Like the cycle, the cycle, it was just horrible. And then the surgeries and all this and the pills for thyroid.

So now, as of right now, I don’t drink any alcohol. I don’t even take an aspirin. I’m never sick. I literally don’t take any supplements. I juice. This has got everything that I need. I have high energy. I’ve never felt this good. I don’t even remember. I mean, even as a kid, I ate Twinkies and all the yummy things. So I don’t even know if I really felt good back then either. So it was really learning how to transition from shopping in the center of a regular grocery store with the processed food and learning how to shop on the outside where all the fresh stuff is, and especially the grocery section, which was scary for me. I had no idea where to start. So it’s trial and error. It’s a little bit here and there.

And if you team up with somebody that’s a mentor, a good friend, one of my really best friends, Juliette, she was the one who helped me into stepping into veganism. She took me to the grocery store. So find a friend. Find someone who loves you and cares about you. I mean, a little at a time, and anything is possible.

I’ll tell you, I am beyond blessed to be standing here in this healthy body. There’s just probably no better gift ever than to feel alive again. I mean, so that’s my story. Thank you.

Audience Question: What’s your favorite juice that you make?

Oh, I have so many. But I started off with my tropical greens as a basic green juice. It’s very hydrating. And it was probably something that I drank every single day for a really long time, just so I could make sure to get the greens in. I’ve never drank anything green in my life when I started. Ever. In fact, I would look at people with that, and I’m like, what is that? They’re like, it’s kale. Well, I didn’t really know what kale was, let alone, you can put that in a drink? And how do you do that? It was literally that. I mean, I’m coming from a family that did different hamburger helpers and things like that. So it’s like, what is this? Like, I don’t know. It’s super sketchy. But it’s really good, and it’s for your body.

I mean, you have this body, and it’s a gift. The body is a gift here. And that’s what I’ve learned through my spiritual experience, through transitioning into a plant-based diet. It’s truly, your body is the gift. There is no other gift than the body and how you feel about it, because that is what you’re going to attract to you. So I encourage anybody to take care of it, because once you take care of it, it will definitely take care of you!

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Cheers - Juice Style

Learn More About A Juice Fast

Juice Cleanse Questions

Plant-Based Vitality with Benjamin Benulis, DC

Juice cleansing – how to fast with a juice cleanse

Vegan Fitness with Tanner Lyn

Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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