Page 10 - Bliss Planet March 2018 Health And Wellness Magazine
P. 10

when he can sublimate his
                                                                          desires to socially acceptable
                                                                          forms of expression through
                                                                          his creativity. A sportsman is
                                                                          genuinely happy when he can
                                                                          channel his aggressive or
                                                                          sexual desires through sport
                                                                          or rigorous activity. So these
                                                                          defense mechanisms in
                                                                          psychoanalysis could actually
                                                                          produce genuine happiness
                                                                          in people because of the
                                                                          inherent survival and coping

                                                                          strategies involved in these

                                                                          Finally, happiness being a
        desire, libido, our energy levels and                  state of mind would be entirely
        even the defense mechanisms that                       subjective and would evoke extreme
        we unconsciously use to vent out our                   subjective reactions. For instance,
        frustration and thus remain happy or                   someone laughs on hearing a joke
        calm. Happiness would naturally raise                  and feel happy about it and someone
        our libidinal levels and make us more                  else would be sarcastic or may not
        energetic and high levels of energy                    feel the same level of excitement.
        could, in turn, make us happy, so this                 Whereas anger and other emotions
        process is cyclical. Several scientific                could be explained in terms of
        studies have shown that happiness                      physical responses, happiness usually
        is directly related to our levels of                   does not have defined physical
        energy.                                                responses although there is a general
                                                               positive feeling of well being and the
        Considering defense mechanisms,                        physical responses could vary
        psychoanalysis could in a way                          considerably. As I have stated on the
        suggest that happiness is actually                     psychology of emotions, it would be
        acting out or reaction formation when                  necessary to determine the

        we show certain reactions that may                     components of feeling and bodily
        be completely opposite to what we                      reaction for every emotion including
        feel. For example, in reaction                         happiness and psychology has an
        formation we may show happiness,                       extensive research project
        when in reality we are sad or                          to consider for the future.
        depressed. Although genuine
        happiness could be explained with
        psychoanalysis as well, as for
        example, an artist is genuinely happy

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