Page 13 - Bliss Planet March 2018 Health And Wellness Magazine
P. 13
deal with animals in different animal clean and groomed. As an
situations where their behavior can animal caretaker, you are generally
cause problems to their owners and to responsible for maintaining and
the animals themselves. monitoring their overall health. You
need to report to the owners or
An animal care course can help facility manager any changes that you
introduce you to a veterinary industry have observed in them.
career as it will qualify you to work in
pet shops, kennels, animal shelters, With further studies in animal care,
grooming salons and farms. You can you can work as a marine or zoo
also find work in veterinary clinics and worker, and animal welfare officer. As
hospitals as animal care specialist. Be a basic course, if nothing else, it can
aware however, that in some work provide you at least with knowledge
environments, you might be and skills to become a more
responsible for euthanizing unwanted responsible pet owner. You will study,
animals such as cats and dogs that among others, common animal health
were abandoned by their owners. problems, signs of sickness, animal
Working as an animal control behavior, safety and first aid for
professional on the other hand, you animals, routine health treatments,
have the responsibility to protect preventative care, rehabilitation care,
abused, injured, stray and unwanted and administration of animal health
animals. You respond to distress calls programs.
involving lost or neglected animals,
and as the first person to arrive at the
scene, you are expected to show and One interesting job that you can do
give compassion and comfort to the after taking an animal care course is
animals you find there needing your to become a pet sitter. Being one is
attention. not just about sitting pets whose
owners have gone on vacations,
Animal caretakers perform all the
necessary duties to make sure that leaving you with their beloved pets
the animals under their care remain that you have to feed, walk, change
and clean litter boxes, or do
healthy. This job can be very
demanding but it has its rewards. everything to make sure that they are
Your most important duty as an in the same good health when their
animal caretaker is to feed the owners left them to your care. Their
animals and provide them with the owners take care of their pets
right kind of nourishment. You also and as a pet sitter, it is your
need to provide them enough time to responsibility to extend
exercise so just like humans they that same care and
remain in good physical condition. concern to them. Young
Grooming is important as well, and people can do this in
this includes giving the animal a bath, their spare time and
clipping nails, cutting and brushing earn while doing
something worthwhile.
hair, and other services to keep the
Bliss Planet 13