Page 8 - Bliss Planet March 2018 Health And Wellness Magazine
P. 8

be strictly placed within models or                    event or remain engaged in social
        frameworks although the underlying                     activity, or the attainment could be
        common factor that makes people                        spiritual when we seek and even find
        happy is always some kind of                           some kind of spiritual liberation. The
        attainment, gain or need fulfillment.                  attainment or need fulfillment could
                                                               be psychological when our love needs
        The next level of analysis would be                    are fulfilled or when we reach our
        whether happiness could be                             goals or fulfill our ambitions. The
        categorized to generalized happiness                   biological, psychological, social and
        or a continued happy state of mind                     spiritual aspects of attainment could
        and specific happiness for attaining                   provide happiness according to their
        one of the specific pleasures or goals.                needs. Thus happiness is intricately
        I would suggest that there cannot be                   tied to our specific

        a generalized state of happiness                       needs although these
        without a specific reason. A                           needs could be
        seemingly happy person may not be                      interrelated as for
        genuinely happy or may be genuinely                    example, the need
        happy as he may have attained an                       for status or power
        exalted spiritual state or accumulated                 could be both
        substantial wealth. So again as we                     social and
        see a continued state of happiness                     psychological.
        could also be explained with
        attainment.                                            Thus we distinguish
                                                               the factors that could
        The need fulfillment or attainment                     lead to happiness
        that triggers happiness could be
        biological such as bodily pleasures as                 1. Biological (bodily
        when we quench our thirst, satisfy                     pleasures, basic needs)
        physical desires etc. The attainment
        could be social when we form                           2. Social (status,
        relationships and feel happy or                        relationships, social
        simply talk to strangers at a large                    activity and

                                                               3. Psychological (emotional, love,
                                                               friendship, personal

                                                               4. Spiritual (finding meaning and
                                                               purpose, transpersonal needs)

                                                               There could be several reactions to
                                                               happiness and this could range from

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