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I am also passionate about       schedule a free 50 minutes health

nutrition. I am a Holistic Health consultation with me. I am

Coach graduating from the        dedicated to support you every

Institute for Integrative Nutrition, step of the way in your journey

the largest nutrition school in the towards your optimal health!

world. Here I have studied with

some of the greatest holistic    One of my favorite quotes it

nutritionists in US like Andrew  belongs to Mother Theresa and it

Weil, David Wolfe, Joshua        says that "It is not how much you

Rosenthal to name just a few. I give, but how much love you put

work with my clients to create a in the giving." I believe that if we

healthy, happy life in a way that is can touch at least one person's

flexible, fun and rewarding. If you heart through love, compassion

need support in reaching your    and kindness, this will create a

health goals such as achieving   ripple effect which can eventually

optimal weight, reducing food    change the lives of many other

cravings, managing stress or     people. I also believe that love is

maximizing your energy, please the most powerful energy in the

visit my website to              Universe which expands our
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