Page 10 - bliss
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developed during their life. wisdom: to contemplate the
Usually, it is difficult to world with a fresh look, every
concentrate upon one single moment. This is the guarantee
thought or idea at a time. During of happiness, spontaneity and
our daily activities, the brain is infinite creativity.
like an ocean agitated by storms
and deep currents. This agitated The “Flow”
state of the mind decreases
There are instances when the
significantly the brain efficiency. brain is somewhat forced to
In this state of mind, no
abandon the collateral paths and
performance is ever possible. By focus in a single direction. This is
contrary, during a meditation for called “flow”. It happens when
example, the mind becomes
our mind is extremely focused
calm, disconnects from the
upon one single activity. This
storms of past memories and
generates a state of happiness
emotions and we can experience and fulfillment. The scientists,
the state of bliss or pure
who studied what people feel
happiness, ever fresh, ever new. during the moments of intense
This is actually the premise of concentration, discovered that
Wellness Messenger 10