Page 9 - bliss
P. 9
of our life, they are all imprinted through evocation, over and
in our brain. Repetition plays a over again, that state creates
decisive role in the development cerebral paths in our brain
of our brain. The more often capable to transform the way we
certain neurons receive perceive the reality and our life.
signals, the better the chance for In order for our state of
creating a lasting connection consciousness to transform, the
between them. In the same way brain has to be transformed as
it happens with the new well and this happens through
emotional reactions: the more repetition.
they are experienced, the better
the chance they are imprinted in Very few people perceive the
the brain through repetition. objects in the outer world
exactly the way they are. The
For example, if we experience perception of an object
a state of bliss, the memory of determines a so called “neuronal
this experience will fade away storm” in the brain, specific to
after a while. But if we each person, according to the
remember that experience connections they mostly