Page 12 - bliss
P. 12

regardless of their profession:     when the brain is abandoned

surgeons, professional athletes,    to its routine activity.

orchestra directors, they all felt

almost the same state of fulfillment Training for Bliss
and happiness, even during
                                    How can we train our mind in
extremely difficult activities. Many order to feel bliss and happiness
of us consider that our free time is almost continuously?
the only time during the day when

we feel happiness. However, the     During profound meditation in

studies show that people perceive yoga, for example, the mind
more happiness and fulfillment
                                    doesn’t wander like a bee flying
when they focus their entire
                                    from flower to flower, but it
attention towards their professional generates some form of control
activities, at work, while they often upon the connections between the
get bored once they get home. The neurons in the brain, generating
conclusion is that the feeling of
                                    happiness and bliss. In the
fulfillment is related to some form beginning this is not easy to
of inner concentration, rather than achieve, because the mind has the

                                    tendency to wander from one

Wellness Messenger 12
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