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divorce, birth of a child, job loss),                    effectively negotiate the differences.
       unresolved bereavement, or feelings                      Identifying and managing shared and
       of loneliness and isolation, are at risk                 different expectations will ensure less
       for becoming depressed.  IPT uses these                  conflict and an improvement in mood.
       four areas to focus the therapy sessions
       and to create achievable goals. The                      What do you most hope readers will
       approach creates a very focused                          take away from your book Feeling
       collaborative approach that ensures that                 Better?
       individuals will feel
       better faster.                                                            Our greatest hope is to
                                                                                 share IPT with as many
       Talk to us about                                                          people as possible, since it
       the role that                                                             has been the best kept
       expectations play                                                         secret in psychology until
       both in depression                                                        now. When people see how
       and the healing                                                           valuable, practical IPT is and
       process.                                                                  how much “common sense”
                                                                                 is embedded in this mode, it
       The word                                                                  is our hope that they will
       expectations and the                                                      realize that IPT strategies
       role it plays is one of                                                   can do a lot to help them
       the best parts about                                                      feel better again.  We also
       IPT. It starts from                                                       hope that bringing IPT to the
       the premise that                                                          general public, through this
       people and situations                                                     book, will encourage
       are not good or bad,                                                      communities to see the
       or black or white. It                                                     value of IPT as a first line
       is based on the idea                                                      treatment approach for
       that in a relationship,                                                   depression and that ever
       expectations can differ or change over                   increasing numbers of clinicians will
       the passage of time. For example, if I                   make it accessible for those who would
       expect my husband to be talkative when                   benefit from the therapy.
       we are in the car together, I am going to
       be disappointed because that is not who                  Cindy Goodman Stulberg, DCS,
       he is and he doesn’t expect himself to be                CPsych, and Ronald J. Frey, PhD,
       talkative either. It’s not that he’s good or             CPsych, are the authors of Feeling
       bad, or I am right and he is wrong, it is                Better and directors of the Institute for
       that we have different desires and                       Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Visit them
       expectations.                                            online at
       In order to resolve an important conflict,
       you need to identify what your                           Special Thanks to New World Library.
       expectations of yourself and others are
       and you need to understand what their
       expectations of themselves and of you
       are. You then need to learn how to

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