Page 16 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
P. 16

For years, the first line of defense for                Unfortunately, there is still a lot of
        depression has been pharmaceuticals,                    negative stigma surrounding mental
        but in their new book Feeling                           health in our society. People accept this
        Better: Beat Depression and Improve                     and blame themselves or feel ashamed
        Your Relationships with Interpersonal                   if they are depressed. Many suffer in
        Psychotherapy (New World Library,                       silence. By viewing depression as a
        November 20, 2018), psychologists and                   medical illness (like pneumonia or a
        authors Cindy Goodman Stulberg and                      broken leg) people are more inclined to
        Ronald J. Frey, PhD, say that it is                     ask for help and to take some time off
        actually our relationships that offer the               from responsibilities so they can focus
        most effective path to healing.                         on optimizing their interpersonal
                                                                relationships.  Additionally, as others
        Knowing that depression is an illness as                begin to see mental illness similar to a
        legitimate as any physical                              physical illness, they will provide care,
        ailment, Feeling Better helps readers                   support and compassion for those
        get clarity around the four main areas in               suffering.
        life that can be contributing factors to
        why people feel sad, blue, down, and                    Your book Feeling Better offers an
        depressed: life transitions, complicated                introduction to Interpersonal
        grief, interpersonal conflict, or social
        isolation. We hope you’ll enjoy this
        short interview with Cindy and Ron
        about the book.
        You encourage readers to think of
        their depression like a broken leg.
        Why is that?

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