Page 17 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
P. 17

Most importantly, it
                                                                                            helps clients
                                                                                            become aware of
                                                                                            the impact their
                                                                                            social and intimate
                                                                                            interactions have
                                                                                            on their feelings
                                                                                            and on the feeling
                                                                                            of the individuals
                                                                                            they interact with.

                                                                                            You say in the
                                                                                            book that
                                                                                            working through
                                                                                            feelings is a lot
                                                                                            like sorting
                                                                                            through the stuff
                                                                                            you’ve stored in a
                                                                                            messy basement.
      Psychotherapy (IPT). What is IPT                         Tell us more.
                                                               You may not know everything that you
      IPT is a short-term, research proven                     have stored down in your basement.
      therapy that usually lasts 8-12 weeks. It                While sorting through all your stuff, you
      helps clients improve their relationships,               could choose to just throw everything
      which then improves their mood.  It                      away to avoid any potentially painful
      provides a new set of skills you can use                 memories from surfacing. Alternatively,
      to conquer depression and it can help                    you could sit in a chair and carefully look
      prevent future episodes.  Two doctors                    through what is in all those boxes and
      created the model in the 1960s to treat                  experience a ‘mixed bag of emotions’ all
      adults with depression and has been                      alone. IPT offers a different and
      adapted for the treatment of adolescents                 ultimately more rewarding approach of
      and older adults as well. IPT can be used                going through the piles of boxes with a
      in individual or group settings to treat                 friend.  You’ll likely experience some
      classic depression and related illnesses                 tears, some laughter, some anger, and
      like chronic depression, postpartum                      some frustration but experiencing these
      depression, eating disorders, and more.                  feeling with someone else is infinitely
                                                               healthier than experiencing them alone.
      IPT focuses on what is happening
      currently, not on the past. It is based on               You say in the book that there are
      the premise that building meaningful and                 four different problem areas in our
      constructive relationships will help you                 lives that contribute to depression.
      feel better. It is structured and                        Please tell us what they are.
      collaborative and helps clients articulate
      and deal with their feelings in a                        People who are experiencing conflicts
      constructive and interpersonal way.                      or disputes, life transitions (like a
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