Page 14 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
P. 14
Veganism is not only great for us and
the animals - it is good for the
environment too! It requires less
energy, water and land to produce plant
based food and it doesn't pollute the
environment as much as meat and dairy
production. Livestock production,
especially beef production are the worst
offenders. They produce enormous
amount of greenhouse gases,
responsible for global warming and
animal waste poisons soil and waters.
Meat and dairy production requires large
amounts of grains - which greatly
contributes to deforestation and species
extinction - and we have very little time Dorota Drosio MHS, CN, CPT is an
left to stop this before it's too late. ethical vegan, certified horticulturist,
herbalist, nutritionist and a personal
Well balanced plant based diets are
trainer. Animal rights activist and a
suitable for any stage of life - from
mum. Graduated Warsaw University of
infancy to older age. If you make sure
Life Sciences with a Master's Degree in
you get appriopriate amounts of all the
Horticulture - specializing in medicinal
nutrients - protein, carbohydrates, fats
plants. Soon - starting work towards
and also - vitamins and microelements -
her doctorate.
there is no risk of malnutrition or any
deficiences. In fact - malnutrition is a lot Currently working as a vegetarian and
more common on fast food diets, which vegan Nutritionist and Personal Trainer -
are nutrient poor. So considering all the offering online consultations, meal and
benefits - for us, the animals, the exercise plans, nutritional, supplement
environment and even your pocket - and herbal treatment advice.
plant based diet is a win - win!
For any enquiries - please visit:
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Bliss Planet 14