Page 6 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
P. 6

Veganism is growing huge. And it's not                   and minerals) to heart health and
      just a temporary fashion - it's a whole                  prevention of many cancers.
      global movement of people

      dedicated to make a change -
      for animals, the planet and their
      own health. It's a life style

      aiming to end cruelty towards
      every sentient being.

      I was a meat eater. And a
      vegetarian - for 12 years. In
      2012 I started doing some
      more research and confirmed

      something I was long afraid of -
      dairy industry is as cruel as the
      meat industry. As a vegetarian

      I was often wondering what
      happens to the calves if we
      drink milk that was meant for

      them... or what happens to the
      hens who lay the eggs we
      consume... I think I knew the

      answers all along - I just didn't
      want to acknowledge them. In
      2012 I went vegan and this was
      the best decision I have ever

      made in my life! The first and
      most important benefit of
      veganism is a clear conscience.

      Vegan diets also have
      numerous health benefits. From
                                                               Vegans tend to be slimmer and have
      weight management (providing - we eat
                                                               lower Body Mass Index. Veganism helps
      diet rich in whole foods - not vegan junk
                                                               to prevent and cure obesity because it
      food, poor in phytochemicals, vitamins
                                                               is lower in fats, rich in complex (slow

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