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Vegans have lower blood sugar levels longer. According to JAMA Internal
and better kidney function. Plant based Medicine Journal (2016) in a study
diet improves insulin sensitivity and conducted by Massachusets General
lowers your risk of developing diabetes Hospital - health and diet records of over
by up to 78%. This has been shown by 130 thousands of participants were
many studies. monitored over the course of 130 years.
The conclusion of this study was that
Replacing meat with plant proteins
every 3% increase of protein from plants
reduces the risk of kidney stones and
reduced the risk of premature death by
gallstones. High protein consumption -
10% (12% from heart disease).
especially animal protein - makes the
Increasing the intake of animal protein
body excrete more calcium, oxalate and
by 10% increased the risk of death from
uric acid - main components of urinary
all causes by 2% and 8% from heart
tract stones.
disease. Replacing eggs with plant
Vegan diets provide protection against protein also showed reduced by 10%
certain cancers. For example - replacing risk of death and giving up unprocessed
animal protein with beans and legumes red meat - by 12 %.
reduces the risk of colorectal cancer by
The biggest study on vegan diets was
up to 18%. According to many recent
conducted by Loma Linda University and
studies - adopting a plant based diet and
it is known as the Adventist Health
eating at least 7 portions of fruit and
Study - assesing the link between
vegetables daily - reduces the risk of
lifestyle, diet, disease and mortality.
death from all cancers by up to 15%.
Seventh Day Adventists have a lower
Also soy provides protection from breast
incidence of many diseases - comparing
and prostate cancer. Make sure that you
to people on standard american diet
buy non GMO and preferably - organic.
(sad). 2 studies were conducted,
Soy is rich in phytoestrogens that
involving 24000 and 34000 Californian
mimick estrogen - binding to estrogen
adventists - over 40 years period. Those
receptors - preventing excess estrogen
studies were not financed by the church.
from doing so. Dairy products contain a
1st study begun in 1960 (Adventist
lot of estrogen, which contributes to
Mortality Study). Participants were
breast and prostate cancer. By replacing
observed for 5 years with a further 23
dairy products with plant alternatives -
years follow up. The results showed that
you lower your risk of developing those.
men lived on average 6.2 years longer
Dairy can also greatly contribute to
and women - 3.7 years longer.
ovarian cancer. Turning lactose to
galactose in our bodies is shown to Death rates from cancers were on
cause ovarian cancer growth. average 40% lower for men and 24%
lower for women. (Lung cancer rates
According to some studies - like the
were 79% lower, colorectal cancer - 38
famous Adventist studies - vegans live
% lower, breast - 15% lower).