Page 9 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
P. 9

Coronary heart disease rates were also                   According to this study - reduced
      significantly lower - 34% for men and                    consumption of any meat decreases the

      20% for women.                                           incidence of colon cancer. Additionally -
                                                               eating legumes offers protection against
      Adventist Health Study (AHS-1) -
                                                               that disease.
      conducted between 1974 and 1988

      involved 34000 Adventists from                           Eating nuts several times a week can
      California - all of them over 25 years of                reduce the risk of a heart attack by up

      age. This study was designed to                          to 50%. And eating tomatoes by men -
      establish what offers protection from                    reduced the risk of prostate cancer by
      disease. The results were very                           40%. Drinking soy milk more than once
      promising - the average life span of                     a day reduced the risk of prostate

      Adventist men was 7.3 years longer and                   cancer by 70%.
      women - 4.4 years longer than other
                                                               Adventist Health Study 2 (AHS-2) by
      Californians. Participants ate plant based
                                                               Loma Linda University School of Public
      diet, did not smoke, ate nuts several
                                                               Health is a current study, which started
      times a week, exercised regularly and
                                                               in 2002 - involving 96000 participants
      were within a healthy weight range. This
                                                               from America and Canada. So far the
      lifestyle was shown to increase the
                                                               reports confirm that veganism protects
      length of their lives by up to 10 years.
                                                               against obesity and type 2 diabetes and

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