Page 11 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
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vegans are also a lot less likely to farmers to maximise their profits.
develop certain cancers - veganism Consuming those hormones disrupts our
offers overall protection from cancers - natural hormonal balance and antibiotics
including female specific cancers. - well - we might be facing an epidemic
Vegans have higher levels of "natural of drug resistant bacteria soon. The
killer cells" - white blood cells amounts of antibiotics consumed by
speciali animals -
zed in and in
killing result - by
cancer humans -
cells. already
ing to
strains of
studies -
bacteria to
not only
and soon
we might
not be able
but also
to cope
age with
with them.
As for the fish... when people claim they
health issues. Intestines of vegans have
eat healthy because they consume
reduced number of pathogenic
plenty of fish... just think about it. Fish
bacteria and a greater abundance of
live in water. Waters are polluted. What
protective species; lower blood
is in water - goes in the fish. Common
pressure; lower incidence of heart
sense, right?
disease; lower risk of diabetes;
lower risk of cancer. Meats - Adopting a plant based diet helps reduce
especially the red, processed ones are the risk and even reverse arthritis.
now officially classed as carcinogenes Studies show that vegan diets -
(class 1). All meats - even chicken - especially those rich in raw ingredients
contain high levels of cholesterol and greatly improve general quality of life -
saturated fats. Dairy and eggs contain reduces the swelling of the joints and
them too. Even unprocessed meats like pain.
beef, lamb, pork, goat, etc - are class 2
Vegan diets - rich in whole foods - can
carcinogenes. Meat and dairy contain
also improve mood and quality of
hormones and antibiotics - added by the
Bliss Planet 11