Page 13 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
P. 13

beneficial for your skin. Some foods like                Stronger immune system is another
      cucumbers, millet or radishes contain                    improvement you will start noticing

                                                                            gradually. You will get a lot
                                                                            less infections like common

                                                                            colds or gastrointestinal

                                                                            Animal protein forces calcium

                                                                            out of the body - which as a
                                                                            result contributes to
                                                                            osteoporosis - after all "them
                                                                            bones, them bones" don't

                                                                            need cow's milk for optimal
                                                                            health! We can obtain enough

                                                                            calcium out of green
                                                                            vegetables, legumes and
                                                                            fortified non dairy milks.

                                                                            A 1985 Swedish study showed
                                                                            that plant based diet can ease
                                                                            asthma symptoms.

                                                                            Women avoiding meat and
                                                                            dairy have also lower
                                                                            incidence of pre eclampsia

                                                                            when pregnant and after
                                                                            pregnancy - purer breast milk
                                                                            - not contaminated with

                                                                            chemicals present in meat and
                                                                            dairy. Antibodies from cow's
                                                                            milk - passed to human milk

                                                                            can cause colic in infants.

      silica - great for nail health.                          And apart from all the benefits shown
                                                               above - vegan diet is cheaper. Some
      Soon after adopting a vegan diet - most
                                                               might argue here but if you minimalize
      people observe increased energy
                                                               the consumption of fake meats and stick
      levels. Processed foods high in fats and
                                                               to whole foods - it will really save you
      sugar make us feel tired and lacking

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