Page 12 - Bliss Planet Venice Beach Edition - Health Wellness Lifestyle Magazine - Vegan - Happiness - Beat Depression & Improve Relationships
P. 12

The obvious benefit of rich in fiber                     lower risk of developing macular
      vegan diet is reduction and prevention                   degeneration and their skin ages slower.

      of constipation and other
      digestive issues.

      Abundance of
      compounds plays an
      important role too. Plant

      based diet full of fresh fruits,
      vegetables and whole grains
      supports gut flora health,

      which is not only important
      for healthy digestion, but
      also well functioning immune
      system. After all - 70% of it

      is located in our guts. Meat
      and dairy take a lot of time

      to digest and create a good
      environment for harmful
      bacteria. The "good" flora
      controls the harmful

      bacteria, preventing their
      proliferation and adhering to
      intestinal walls. Foodborne

      illnesses - caused by
      bacteria or parasites -
      mostly occur in animal
      derived foods.

      Recently many famous
      athletes go vegan. The old

      myth of meat being essential
                                                               I have noticed this in myself - my skin
      source of protein is no longer believed in
                                                               became a lot healthier since I went
      and plant based diets are actually shown
                                                               vegan. One of the things you will notice
      to boost athletic performance - due to
                                                               first is that healtyhy glow of your skin.
      high content of healthy fats and
                                                               Many people discover acne completely
                                                               disappearing. Carrots, sweet potatoes

      High content of vitamins contributes to                  and kale are rich in Beta carotene - a
      better skin and vision. Vegans have                      precursor of vit A, which is very

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